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"Temple will be an ever-present reminder that God intended the family to be eternal": Thirunakkara Mahadevar Temple situated in the heart of Kottayam is one of the 108 revered Shivalayas in Kerala, preserves sculptures and murals of Hindu deities

| Satyaagrah | Temple
The Painkuni festival conducted during the first ten days of the Malayalam month Meenam (usually 14th to 23rd March) is the main festival of the Temple

"The greatness of a culture can be found in its festivals": India is a land of festivals, sometimes rather very unique like Chamayavilakku festival which is celebrated in Kerala and is unique because here men dress up as women to worship Devi Bhagavathy

| Satyaagrah | Temple
As believed, men are so proud of their masculinity that it hard for them to ever dress up as woman do. But, in Kerala, the impossible gets possible even if for a day every year, for the Chamayavilakku festival

"When Shiva beats his DAMRU DAM DAM- Evil Shakes and the Wise Awakes": Sri Endala Mallikarjuna Swamy Temple in Ravivalasa, Andhra Pradesh is one of the largest Swayambhu Shivalinga which kept growing has its origins in tretayug of Ramayana

| Satyaagrah | Temple
There is a belief that people will get rid of their skin diseases like scabies, ringworm, impetigo, and other fungal skin infections after seeing this god