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अंडरस्टैंडिंग मुहम्मद

| Satyaagrah | Revolutionaries

अंडरस्टैंडिंग मुहम्मद

अली सीना ने दुनिया के १६० करोड मुसलमानो को चेलेंज किया हे की मेरे इन लगाए आरोपो को कोई भी गलत साबित करदे तो में उन्हें ५०००० $ (डॉलर) इनाम के तौर पर दूंगा…बस शर्त यही है की जो भी ये चेलेंज स्वीकार करता हे उसने उनकी लिखी किताब understanding muhammad पढी हो…?  अब हुआ यह की बहुत से विधवानो ने इस चेलेंज को स्वीकार किया,और शास्त्रार्थ करने के लिए किताब पढ़ी तो उन्होंने भी इस्लाम को त्याग दिया,और कई लोग त्यागने वाले भी है…!  अभी तक कोई मुल्ला, मौलवी, या मुफ़्ती इनको पराजित नही कर सका है कई लोग तो इनके ब्लाक पढकर ही इस्लाम छोड़ देते है..|

Why is it important to know Muhammad? It’s because over a billion people strive to emulate him. Consequently, his psychological traits are bequeathed to his followers. If he was insane, we cannot expect sanity from those who try to be like him. It is by understanding Muhammad that we can understand Muslims, and predict these unpredictable people.

We live in a dangerous time. When a fifth of humanity worships a psychopath, eulogizes suicide bombing, and thinks killing and martyrdom are ultimate acts of piety, the world becomes a dangerous place. When these people acquire the atomic bomb, the earth becomes a powder keg. Islam is a cult. As long as Muslims believe in Muhammad, they are a threat to others and to themselves.

What is the solution? Muslims must leave Islam. They must discard their culture of hate and join the rest of mankind as fellow humans. Alternatively, non- Muslims must separate themselves from them, ban Islam, end their immigration and send home those who refuse to integrate and plot against democracy.

Islam is incompatible with democracy. It is a warring creed. Muslims take advantage of democracy to promote their cult in order to destroy it. They want to establish a worldwide dictatorship.

Islam is barbarity. Islamic culture and Islamic civilization are oxymoron. On the other hand, Islamic terrorism is redundancy. The only way to avert the clash between this barbarity and civilization is to expose the fallacy of Islam and demystify it. Muslims must be weaned from this cult, for humanity to live in peace. Understanding Muhammad is imperative for both Muslims and non-Muslims. This book makes that task easy.

Thousands of Muslims have left Islam after reading this book. The evidence presented is overwhelming and the conclusion is inescapable. Understanding Muhammad will put an end to Islam. Before dismissing this claim as hyperbole, read the book and you too will come to the same conclusion. The challenge is to convince Muslims to read it. A great majority of Muslims will not read books that are critical of their religion. The greatest gift one person can give to another is the gift of doubt. Unfortunately that is what Muslims dread most.


239 pages
1 मई 2008


Ali Sina

Born and raised in Iran, educated in Italy and Pakistan, and now living in Canada, he began debating with people in the 1990s. What bothered him, he tells The Jerusalem Post, was not the penchant for jihad and intolerance that certain fanatical Muslims displayed, but the foundation for such ills in the Koran and core Islamic texts. The Jerusalem Post writes, “Sina, who runs Faith Freedom International – an Internet forum dedicated to debunking Islam – considers himself 'probably the biggest anti-Islam person alive.' His latest book is titled, Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allah's Prophet. In it, Sina suggests that Muhammad suffered from a series of mental disorders, including narcissistic personality disordertemporal lobe epilepsy and obsessive compulsive disorder. 'These disorders,' he says, 'can explain the phenomenon known as Islam... which is nothing but one man's insanity.'”