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Jawahar Lal Nehru had full knowledge of brutal atrocities inflicted upon innocent Brahmins. Nevertheless, he instigated the rioters and anarchists, when he squarely blamed RSS for Gandhi’s killing without any shred of proof

The untold story of Maharashtrian Brahmin genocide committed by Congress after Gandhi’s assassination in 1948

These were not “riots” as often labelled, but a planned genocide, because it was spread over the entire geography of Maharashtra, not just one mohalla or city, using arson, which is not lying around in everyone’s backyard every day. The “mobs” attacking Brahmins knew who they were, where they lived, and had the means to attack them
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Hindu Genocide

People of India were disheartened and disillusioned with the way ‘Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi’ aka ‘Mahatma Gandhi’ had accepted partition and allowed it to take place in 1947, combined with riots, destruction and unspeakable amount of bloodbath. But, soon after he was shot at by Nathuram Godse at 5:17 PM in the compound of Birla House in New Delhi on 30 January 1948, he was projected as demigod.

Then, there began naked dance of death, destruction and violence on the streets of Maharashtra against Brahmins at midnight of 30 January 1948, because Godse happened to be a Brahmin. After 5-6 hours of Gandhi’s assassination, mob of rioters had every detail of the assassin, Godse was a Brahman of Chitpavan subcast. Mobs of anarchists went berserk to commit indiscriminate massacres and bloodbath to target innocent Brahmins to avenge killing of Mahatma Gandhi, who swore by “Truth and Non Violence” all his life, even then Nathuram Godse hadn’t tried to flee. The law was taking action against him.


Nathuram Godse, with Narayan Apte, who were Maharashtrian Brahmins, Brahmin localities of Pune and Satara saw a Hindu Genocide of Maharashtrian Brahmins, orchestrated by Indian National Congress, along with other Brahmin-hating groups. This Brahmin genocide remains, to date, one of the most suppressed atrocities on Brahmin Hindus.

Brahmins were killed, Brahmin women were raped, shops and houses were set on fire, livelihoods destroyed, and many Brahmins forced to flee, to save their lives and future generations.

Reference for maharashtran brahmin genocide

‘It’s written in “City, countryside and society in Maharashtra states” that in Aundh state alone the barbarity spanned across 300 districts in all thirteen thalukas. Maureen Patterson concluded that destruction was more cataclysmic in Satara, Kohalpur. The properties of Veer Savarkar were also swindled and torched by the perpetrators. Dr. Narayana Rao Savarkar was stoned to death.’

R. Sooraj Kumar

Mob led by Congress workers had become so insane that they went to attack freedom fighter, Veer Savarkar’s residence. When, they didn’t find him, they dragged out his younger brother Doctor Narayan Savarkar, who lived in Shivaji Park to stone him brutally. He was gravely injured and eventually succumbed to his injuries on 19 Oct, 1949.

Riots in Maharashtra in 1948

Mobs comprising mostly Congress workers handpicked 15 Brahmins in Mumbai to butcher them at the same midnight. In Pune, 50 innocent Brahmins were slaughtered. A family in a remote village called Kapahare was burnt alive because their surname was Godse, although the family had no connection with Nathuram Godse. First, it was Chitpavan Brahmin, who was targeted. Gradually, Brahmin with other surnames were also attacked. Insane mob of rioters and anarchists singled out every Brahmin  family with surname of Apte, Joshi, Gokhale, Kulkarni, Ranade, Deshpandey. 

On 5 February 1948, a Hindi daily, “Ushakal” from Jabalpur had reported, thousands of Brahmins were attacked in 400 villages of Satara district of Maharashtra. Their 1500 houses were burnt down. A woman and her grandson from a Kulkarni Brahmin family was burnt alive in Udatre village. In Panchgani, a school was burnt, because its operator was a Brahmin. A cloth mill and TV hospital were set on fire in Sangli.  In Kolhapur, the entire factory of RSS leader G. H. Joshi was burnt down.  The city’s famous photographer, Bhalji Pedharkar’s studio worth ₹2.5 lakhs was completely gutted. According to an estimate, Brahmin’s properties worth ₹50 crores were destroyed. Thousands of Brahmins were rendered homeless. 

Estimates were that 8000 Brahmins were killed, with no record or estimate of how many were forced to flee.

Forget about Social Media, during the era of 1948, a household hardly had a landline phone. In absence of Social Media, mobile phone, or even landline phone, how did rioters and anarchists communicated to one another to target Brahmins? How can a mob of rioters and anarchists be assembled at one place with full detail of Nathuram Godse with hardly any means to communicate? Which machinery had engineered the genocide against Brahmin in 1948? Wasn’t then Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru aware of death, destruction and despair committed against Brahmins in Maharashtra? 

From the account of Sooraj Kumar Bhargav:

“Angry mobs pillaged, burnt and looted the homes of hundreds of innocent Brahmin families, and many people were killed. All on the baseless assumption that all Brahmins were complicit in the assassination of the Father of the Nation.”

Arvind Kolhatkar, eyewitness

Every aspect of this genocide points to it being a premeditated crime, targeting a religious community, namely, Maharashtrian Brahmins, who were known for being staunch Hindu nationalists. For mobs of hundreds to suddenly attack Brahmins within such a short period of time would require great ingenuity and extraordinary means of communication, technologically not available at that period. These were not “riots” as often labelled, but a planned genocide, because it was spread over the entire geography of Maharashtra, not just one mohalla or city, using arson, which is not lying around in everyone’s backyard every day. The “mobs” attacking Brahmins knew who they were, where they lived, and had the means to attack them.

“My family stands as a proof. My grandfather was among the richest merchant in Pune and was having 3 cloth stores then which were gutted in selective killing and property burning incidence. The family was instantaneously reduced to poverty and we had to sell-off all the properties to reduce the trading-credits. The family recovered out of the losses only by late 70’s.”

Anand Khatavkar

Jawahar Lal Nehru had full knowledge of brutal atrocities inflicted upon innocent Brahmins. Nevertheless, he instigated the rioters and anarchists, when he squarely blamed RSS for Gandhi’s killing without any shred of proof. On 14 March 1948, at Vardha district of Maharashtra, Nehru had said, “I am ready to leave the power to fight Sangh by coming to battle field.” Did Nehru mean he would also start torching residences of RSS activists and killing them? Had Nehru made such baseless comment blaming RSS for killing Gandhi today, he would have to face trial the way his great grandson Rahul Gandhi was asked by Apex Court to apologise for blaming RSS.

It doesn’t suit the narrative of leftist historians and writers, who have been continuously demonising Brahmins, to tell how Brahmins were brutally persecuted in 1948 for no fault of theirs. Therefore, Nehru and his successive government made sure to wipe out every trace of Brahmin genocide from record book. 

Maureen L B Patterson, who wrote a book, Gandhi and Godse
Maureen L B Patterson, who wrote a book, Gandhi and Godse

However, Maureen L B Patterson, who wrote a book, Gandhi and Godse, said, “when I was conducting research on Chitpavan Brahmins after two decades of Gandhi’s assassination, the police did not allow her to access the files that pertained to the anti Brahmin riots in 1948.” Maureen L B Patterson found, in her research, that violence against Brahmins, after Gandhi’s assassination did not take place in cities like Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur, which were strongholds of Hindu nationalists, but it was small towns like Satara, Belgaum and Kolhapur, which were badly affected. 

This has been ideology of Congress to attack and denigrate Hindu nationalists and organisations like RSS. From Nehru to Rahul Gandhi, Congress has been targeting RSS and Hindu nationalists. However, it is Pt. Dwarka Prasad Mishra, writer, a Congress man and former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister, who confirms and validates that it was Congress workers, who organised anti Brahmin riots and genocide in Maharashtra. Pt. Dwarka Prasad Mishra writes in his book “Living an Era,” After the assassination of Gandhiji, mob of rioters attacked houses and shops of Brahmins and tried to torch them. Even educational institutions run by the Brahmins were not spared. The Joshi High School in Nagpur was set on fire, when the fire brigade arrived there, the mob forced it to return. In the horrific and heartbreaking cases of violence against the Brahmins, most of non Brahmins rioters were Congressmen. Some of them were also officials of Congress committees.

After perpetrating cold blooded genocide of Brahmin in 1948 and brutal massacre of Sikhs in 1984, Congressmen dress themselves as Gandhi on 2 Oct 2020 to tell the world they follow Truth and Non Violence. When India talks about riots and genocide, the country has record of Sikh genocide, Kashmiri Hindu massacres, but cold blooded killings of Brahmins in newly free India has no documents and details as they were deliberately wiped out. Perhaps, Brahmins do not comprise vote bank. If a community doesn’t form vote bank, Congress doesn’t mind to annihilate them. 

This is one of the genocides for which little information exists, once again, by design. It is otherwise impossible that a targeted massacre of a religious community is neither known, nor documented anywhere properly, except for first hand accounts of those who suffered, and individuals who documented the massacre at the time of its occurrence. There is every reason to believe that all evidence of this genocide was destroyed, along with images and news clips.

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