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"आंधी": Pawan Kalyan announces Varahi Declaration, calls for national & state boards to protect Sanatana Dharma, exposing Jagan's corrupt TTD leadership, misuse of temple funds, impurity in TTD laddus, and condemning biased legal treatment against Hindus

Pawan Kalyan’s Varahi Declaration advocates for Sanatana Dharma, calling for Hindu unity.
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Andhra Pradesh: Pawan Kalyan Announces Varahi Declaration, Calls for National, State Boards to Protect Sanatana Dharma
Andhra Pradesh: Pawan Kalyan Announces Varahi Declaration, Calls for National, State Boards to Protect Sanatana Dharma

HYDERABAD: In a momentous speech that sent ripples through the supporters of Sanatana Dharma, Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan introduced the much-anticipated Varahi Declaration on the spiritual grounds of Tirupati. His words echoed across the nation, stirring emotions and mobilizing those who stand in defense of India’s ancient spiritual heritage.

Fresh from an intense 11-day penance, Pawan Kalyan took to the stage of the Varahi Sabha on Thursday evening in Tirupati. His address, delivered in a blend of languages — English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu — reflected the multilingual and multi-cultural audience that had gathered to hear his vision for safeguarding Sanatana Dharma. With conviction, Kalyan expressed his anguish over the growing challenges faced by this ancient religious practice and laid out a comprehensive plan for its protection, addressing both the common citizens and the political leaders present.

Before a vast assembly of devoted followers and political figures, the Deputy Chief Minister condemned the increasing assaults on Sanatana Dharma, calling for unity and concerted action against these challenges. He proposed the creation of a specialized board, at both the national and state levels, with a clear objective: to protect Sanatana Dharma and safeguard its enduring traditions.

The Varahi Declaration is a bold and structured response, with seven key points that lay the foundation for Kalyan’s vision:

  1. Secularism must be upheld in a way that guarantees equal and uniform responses to threats or harm aimed at any religion or faith. It is essential that no one religion be favored over another in matters of justice and protection.

  2. A national Act is urgently needed to protect Sanatana Dharma and prevent actions that damage its core beliefs. This Act, Kalyan insists, should be enforced immediately and with uniformity across the nation to ensure that the rights of Sanatana Dharma practitioners are preserved.

  3. A Sanatana Dharma Protection Board should be established at both national and state levels. This board would be responsible for overseeing the enactment and enforcement of the Act, ensuring the protection and promotion of Sanatana Dharma in all parts of the country.

  4. The board’s activities will require funding, and to that end, annual funds must be allocated. These funds will support the board’s initiatives and help it function effectively in its mission to defend and promote Sanatana Dharma.

  5. Non-cooperation with individuals or organizations that spread hatred or defame Sanatana Dharma should become a guiding principle. The community is urged to stand firm against any forces that seek to malign their faith.

  6. A Sanathana Dharma Certification should be introduced to ensure that all materials used in temple offerings and prasadam are pure and in accordance with traditional practices. This will help maintain the sacredness of religious rituals and offerings.

  7. Temples should evolve into multifaceted institutions, not just as spiritual centers but also as hubs for promoting art, culture, education, the economy, environmental conservation, and welfare. With a clear plan in place, temples can serve as a powerful force for societal growth and wellbeing.

In his speech, Pawan Kalyan firmly declared that secularism must be practised in a way that guarantees a uniform response to any attack on any religion or faith. He emphasized the importance of ensuring equality in defending all religious beliefs and questioned the silence of Hindus when their sacred traditions are mocked. Kalyan argued that annual funding was essential for the preservation of Sanatana Dharma, asking whether Hindus should remain passive when their beliefs are openly insulted. He voiced his disapproval of pseudo-secularists who irresponsibly criticize Sanatana Dharma and Hindu traditions without facing any consequences, calling for these individuals to be held accountable. In a strong demand for justice, he also questioned Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy's responsibility, especially regarding the mistakes committed under the TTD (Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam) board that Jagan had appointed.

Kalyan’s frustration with the system was evident when he pointed out the double standards in the judiciary and legal systems regarding the treatment of different religions. He questioned the hypocrisy of laws, saying, "Those who insult Sanatana Dharma get away, while laws that protect other religions work like magic." He expressed his dissatisfaction over the legal bias in the country, highlighting how Hindu traditions are often ridiculed, but the offenders face no consequences. In an evocative comparison, Kalyan remarked, "It’s like feeding the privileged on plates, while others make do with leaves," illustrating how the judicial system tends to favor others while ignoring the offenses committed against Hindus and their beliefs.

Kalyan did not hold back when addressing Jagan, directly accusing him of insulting members of the judiciary. He declared, "Jagan, the man who insulted judges," while listing the violations committed by the YSR Congress Party (YCP) leader. Kalyan drew attention to how YCP leaders escalated the "laddu" issue all the way to the Supreme Court, despite Jagan himself having numerous pending legal cases. He pointedly accused Jagan of looting thousands of crores and audaciously disrespecting Supreme Court judges with his abusive language.

The Deputy Chief Minister did not stop there. He also raised the alarming issue of over 30,000 girls going missing during Jagan’s leadership, while the state administration remained disturbingly silent. Kalyan reminded the crowd of the desecration of 219 temples that occurred under Jagan’s rule, including the brutal beheading of Lord Rama’s idol at Ramatheertham and the burning of a chariot at Antarvedi. He emphasized that, to this day, no culprits had been apprehended for these shocking crimes against Hinduism.

Pawan Kalyan did not shy away from raising questions about the stance of certain political figures, particularly targeting Gandhi for his seemingly dismissive attitude toward Hindu sentiments. Kalyan questioned why Gandhi feels that Hindus should not have the right to express their sentiments regarding their own faith and traditions. Referring specifically to Gandhi's characterization of the inauguration of the Ram Temple as a mere "song and dance," Kalyan highlighted how this trivializes the deep emotional significance that the temple holds for millions of Hindus. He challenged Gandhi to justify labeling Hindus who express their pain and anger as religious fanatics, while conveniently remaining silent on issues that genuinely affect Sanatana Dharma. Kalyan pointed out the hypocrisy in Gandhi’s political party, which is quick to react to perceived insults towards other religions but remains indifferent when Hindu beliefs are attacked.

The issue of silence and inaction extended beyond Gandhi, as Kalyan also brought up the case of former TTD EO Dharma Reddy. Kalyan raised the question of why Reddy has remained silent regarding the laddu controversy and why he hasn’t come forward to address the numerous irregularities that occurred during his tenure. He revealed that "hundreds of crores were diverted under the guise of the Srivani Trust," stressing the need for a thorough investigation and accountability for the misdeeds that have occurred. For Kalyan, this was not just a financial issue but one that struck at the heart of the trust that people place in religious institutions, further calling for transparency and integrity in their management.

Kalyan’s speech reached its fiery climax when he led the attendees through the Varahi Declaration pledge, urging them to commit themselves to the protection and preservation of Sanatana Dharma. His words carried a defiant tone that resonated deeply with the audience, as he called on Hindus to stand united against the constant assaults on their beliefs and to fight for justice. The crowd, visibly moved by his passionate call to action, echoed his sentiments, showing their solidarity in the face of the challenges facing their faith.

In his speech, Kalyan articulated his profound connection with Sanatana Dharma and his unwavering commitment to its protection. He stated, "As a person who practices Sanatana Dharma with complete sincerity, I announce the Varahi Declaration after an 11-day penance, with the blessings of Swami." Kalyan continued by calling for a united stand across India, stressing that if there is an attack on Sanatana Dharma, Indian society must raise a unified voice, transcending parties and regions, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. His vision for secularism was clear and unwavering: "Secularism should be followed in such a way that it responds equally when any religion or faith is harmed."

Kalyan reiterated the need for a strong law that would prevent actions that violate the beliefs of Sanatana Dharma, calling for immediate decisions to be made regarding this. He once again highlighted the necessity of establishing a Sanatana Dharma Protection Board at both the national and state levels, which would implement these laws. For Kalyan, this was not just a matter of faith but also one of practical governance, as he stressed that funds should be allocated annually to support the board’s activities. Additionally, he called for a system to be introduced that would certify the quality and purity of materials used in daily offerings and prasadam in temples, ensuring that the sacred rituals remain untarnished.

In a broader vision for the role of temples in society, Kalyan urged that temples should not only serve as spiritual centers but should evolve into hubs for education, arts, economy, environmental protection, and welfare. This holistic approach would allow temples to contribute significantly to the growth and development of society, blending spirituality with practical social benefits.

Kalyan also addressed the common misconception that his defense of Sanatana Dharma implies disrespect for other religions. He firmly stated, "I worship my religion and respect other religions. I have never spoken in a way that insults other religions or faiths." He went on to clarify that his respect for other religions is unwavering, and when it came to providing aid to those in need, he had never discriminated based on religion. "When we provided financial aid to tenant farmers' families, there were Muslims, there were Christians. I respect all religions," Kalyan declared, reinforcing his commitment to inclusivity. However, he made a heartfelt appeal, asking only for one thing: "All I ask is just one thing—do not insult the faith I follow."

It’s Time for All Hindus to Unite

Pawan Kalyan’s speech struck a deep chord as he called upon all Hindus to unite, pointing out how the division within Hindu society has weakened it. He emphasized that courage and valour are the core of a society’s progress, and prosperity follows wherever there is bravery. However, Hindu society has been divided by caste and region, something that has caused internal fragmentation. The time, Kalyan stressed, has now come to unite as one.

He reminded the audience that Sanatana Dharma has no colour or discrimination. Any form of prejudice, he explained, was a foreign concept introduced by the likes of Macaulay, whose ideas aimed to divide and weaken the people. Kalyan urged Hindus to remain vigilant against those who seek to harm Sanatana Dharma and to use their unity as strength in the upcoming elections. He encouraged the people to reduce their opposition from 11 seats to just one through their collective strength. He also critiqued the distorted notion of unity in diversity, which, instead of promoting true inclusivity, was being used to isolate and destroy Hindu Dharma.

In a direct warning to those who declare that they want to bury Sanatana Dharma in the dust, Kalyan delivered a powerful message: “Many have come and gone, but Sanatana Dharma has remained eternal since time immemorial.” He did not mince words, saying that anyone who attempts to touch Sanatana Dharma will perish and should be warned of the consequences of such attempts. His speech stirred the audience, reminding them of their duty to protect their heritage.

Silenced in the Name of Secularism

Kalyan also pointed out the hypocrisy surrounding secularism, noting that there have been many attacks on Hindu deities across the country. His frustration was evident when he questioned whether Hindus should remain silent when Lord Rama or other deities are insulted. He challenged the notion that Hindus have been silenced in the name of secularism, asking why such behavior is acceptable in a country that claims to uphold secular values. Kalyan asked if it would be the same if the deities of other religions were insulted—would the offenders be let off so easily? His rhetorical questions hit home, revealing the double standards that exist in how different faiths are treated under the guise of secularism.

In a powerful reminder of the past, Kalyan brought up the first publication of the Indian Constitution, which included images that represented the rich diversity of the country. The illustrations included sages performing yajnas, Krishna teaching the essence of the Gita to Arjuna, Buddha gaining enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, and other significant religious symbols, including Mahavira, Nataraja, and even the Mughals. This was an attempt, he said, to showcase the unity in diversity that was once celebrated in India.

But in recent times, Kalyan argued, this sense of unity seems to have faded. He praised Modi Ji’s efforts to bring back this spirit of unity, but also lamented how, since the time of Partition, attacks on Sanatana Dharma have been happening continuously. In the name of secularism, the average Hindu, politicians, public figures, and those in power have all remained silent. Even though many knew that attacks on Sanatana Dharma were happening and would continue to happen, they chose not to speak up. "I have no such fears," Kalyan boldly declared. "I will speak."

Kalyan stressed that his intent was not to attack other religions but to state the responsibility of protecting his own faith. He insisted that secularism in India should not be a one-way street. Instead, it should be fair and two-way, where all religions are treated with equal respect, and no one faith is unfairly targeted or silenced. His speech was a passionate plea for balance and justice, calling for an end to the double standards that have left Hindus feeling marginalized in their own country.

Never Thought I’d Have to Speak Like This

Pawan Kalyan opened up emotionally, sharing his deep connection with Sanatana Dharma. He stated with conviction, “I follow Sanatana Dharma. I firmly believe in Hindu Sanatana Dharma." Yet, despite his strong faith, he made it clear that he holds respect for the practices, customs, and traditions of other religions. This respect, however, has not shielded him from personal attacks. For over a decade, he has been insulted, humiliated, and ridiculed, yet none of this ever really bothered him. What truly disturbed him is the threat to Hindu Sanatana Dharma, something he can no longer stand by and witness in silence.

Kalyan reflected on his restraint over the last few months, noting that even after 100 days of the current coalition government’s rule, he did not participate in any public gatherings. His hope had always been for the state’s financial problems to be resolved, for unemployment to be eradicated, and for welfare and development to be achieved. However, recent events have shaken him to his core. He expressed his deep disturbance over the unexpected developments happening in the state, particularly with the sacrilege involving the sacred offerings at one of India’s most revered temples.

The news that ghee made from animal remnants had been used in the prasadam and offerings at the temple of Sri Venkateswara Swami, the revered deity of Kali Yuga, struck Kalyan deeply. He admitted that it has hurt his sentiments and that his conscience would not allow him to stay silent. He said, “If I don’t speak out now about the disrespect being shown, if I don’t take a stand to protect Hindu Sanatana Dharma, I will never be able to forgive myself.” These were not mere words but a vow to defend the faith that he holds so dear.

Kalyan emphasized that his motives were pure and not politically driven. He clarified, “I have never engaged in revenge politics, nor will I. I have never spoken with politics in mind, and I don’t do things for political gain… I won’t.” His message was clear: this was not a political agenda, but a heartfelt mission to protect Sanatana Dharma. He reiterated his belief in the principle of “Dharma raksati rakshitah” (He who protects dharma, dharma protects him), a guiding philosophy that informs his actions. As someone who cherishes Sanatana Dharma, Kalyan said that remaining silent in the face of its disrespect would be impossible for him.

The scandal involving adulterated ghee being used in the sacred prasadam offered to Sri Venkateswara Swami, who is regarded as the household deity of millions, was something Kalyan had already warned about. He mentioned that during a meeting held in Tirupati, in the presence of Swami, he had forewarned the previous government about the ongoing disrespect, but they did not change. As a result, he believes that divine retribution has come in the form of the previous government’s electoral defeat, reducing them to just 11 seats. Today, Kalyan stood before the people, not as a political leader, but as an ordinary Indian who follows Sanatana Dharma, to confront those who are against Sanatana Dharma and those who claim they will destroy it.

Being Insulted for Undertaking Penance

Kalyan went on to describe the universal values embodied by Sanatana Dharma, noting its focus on unity in diversity. He shared how, even in his gatherings, if he hears the call for Namaz, he halts the event to show respect, as Sanatana Dharma upholds the well-being of the entire world family, following the principle of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. For Kalyan, the embodiment of this unity and righteousness is Sri Rama, the ideal figure who represents the values of Sanatana Dharma.

However, Kalyan was not spared from criticism when he chose to undertake penance for the offence committed in the offering to his deity. He recounted how, despite his sincere intent, he was criticised in various ways. They accused him of playing politics and insulted him for following his faith. Kalyan’s response to these accusations was resolute. He questioned, “How is it wrong to follow my own dharma?” For him, penance is a sacred part of Sanatana Dharma, and he has always been respectful towards the practices and customs of other religions. He simply wishes to protect and follow his own dharma, without any malice or political agenda.

Speaking Freely Under the Guise of Secularism

Pawan Kalyan did not hesitate to call out pseudo-secularists who, in the name of secularism, feel free to speak recklessly about Sanatana Dharma and Hindu traditions. He questioned their audacity and the double standards they operate under, asking how it fits within the framework of secularism for a young leader in Tamil Nadu to declare that "Sanatana Dharma is a virus that must be eradicated from the country." Kalyan was direct in his criticism, pointing out that these same secularists would never dare to make such statements about Islam or Christianity. Their selective outrage, he suggested, is reserved for attacks on Sanatana Dharma, while they remain silent on issues in Muslim countries.

He made it clear that he has always upheld dharma and that his commitment to this cause goes beyond mere words. Kalyan declared that he has come forward in this fight, even willing to sacrifice his life to protect Sanatana Dharma. He emphasized the depth of his personal dedication by sharing a personal story: since his daughter follows Russian Orthodox Christianity, he took her for the darshan of Sri Venkateswara only after making a declaration in accordance with dharma, ensuring that his intentions remained pure. This was not just a ritual for him, but a matter of personal integrity and respect for his faith.

Don’t Our Sentiments Get Hurt by Rahul Gandhi’s Words?

Kalyan’s commitment to Sanatana Dharma is unwavering, and despite the challenges, he vowed to continue on this path. “The path I walk on may be fraught with challenges, but I remain steadfast,” he stated with determination. His frustration is palpable as he pointed out the double standards in how secularists treat Hindus in India. These individuals, Kalyan explained, behave as though the common Hindu has no right to express their sentiments.

He questioned the hypocrisy of those who expect Hindus to remain silent, even when their most sacred figures, like Lord Rama, are openly disrespected. Kalyan listed the many insults hurled at Lord Rama, from being beaten with sandals to books describing the Ramayana as poisonous, and even depictions of Sri Ramachandra’s head being severed. Despite these offensive acts, Hindus are still expected to stay quiet. If they speak up, they are immediately labeled as religious fanatics. Kalyan highlighted the fact that these so-called secularists do not care about Hindu customs, practices, or beliefs, but are quick to react if even a minor mistake is made regarding other religions.

Kalyan pointed out the blatant disregard shown when adulterated ghee, containing animal residues, was offered to Hindu gods. Even worse, this same ghee was used to make thousands of laddus, which were then sent for the inauguration of Ayodhya’s Ram Temple. He was particularly offended by the comments made by Rahul Gandhi, the leader of India’s principal opposition party, who referred to the Ram Temple’s inauguration as mere “song and dance.”

Kalyan’s question was simple yet powerful: "When Rahul Gandhi speaks this way, don’t our sentiments get hurt?" For him, it was incomprehensible that Hindus should be expected to brush off such comments without feeling offended. He stressed that while it may be fine to insult Hindus, it is entirely unacceptable to insult Sri Rama, whom Hindus worship with deep reverence. Kalyan was clear—Hindus will not stay silent when their faith is disrespected, no matter how much they are expected to do so.

Don’t Hindus Even Have the Right to Feel Hurt?

Pawan Kalyan raised a deeply emotional and critical question: “How can we be expected not to react when Sri Rama, whom we consider God, is insulted?” He expressed the frustration and pain felt by Hindus, who are often expected to remain silent when their most revered deities, such as Sri Rama, are disrespected. He pointed out that pseudo-secularists, hiding behind the concept of secularism, freely insult Hindu beliefs but would never dare to speak in the same manner about Christianity or Islam. Kalyan was firm in his demand for fairness, asking why Hindus are expected to endure attacks on Sanatana Dharma without expressing their pain.

He questioned whether it is truly right for Hindus to be denied the right to express their emotions, stating that no matter what insults are hurled at them, “these pseudo-secularists say we must endure it in silence, gritting our teeth, without speaking out.” The idea that Hindus should retreat to their homes, crying in private, is something Kalyan vehemently opposed. He declared, “This is an outrage.” Hindus, he argued, must stop ridiculing their own faith and rise to defend it, rather than accepting insults in silence.

Kalyan called for an end to the days when Sri Rama is insulted, and Hindus feel helpless, unable to speak out. He insisted that Hindus should no longer tolerate the false notion that Sri Rama is only a god of the North, when in reality, his influence and worship extend across India. Kalyan’s passionate call for Hindus to stand up for their faith and express their hurt openly was a powerful reminder that no one should be forced to hide their pain when their beliefs are attacked.

One Rule for Some, Another for Others Should Not Exist

In his speech, Kalyan also addressed the disparity in the treatment of Sanatana Dharma in comparison to other religions. He called for pseudo-secularists to be appropriately punished by the law and judiciary when they insult Sanatana Dharma. He emphasized that the courts must take strong action against those who ridicule Hindu beliefs, highlighting how the laws that work powerfully when other religions are defamed seem weak and inconsistent when Sanatana Dharma is ridiculed. Kalyan was clear in his demand for fairness and justice, arguing that those who speak against Sanatana Dharma should not be protected by the judiciary.

Kalyan pointed out the discrepancy in how justice is served, comparing it to a situation where some people are treated lavishly, served on silver plates, while others are made to eat on leaves. He highlighted how this inequality has now reached a point where certain groups are handed everything directly, while others are left to fend for themselves. For Kalyan, this kind of disparity cannot continue—there must be equal treatment whenever any religion is harmed or its traditions are violated.

Despite his strong criticism, Kalyan made it clear that his respect for other religions remains intact. He stated that while he respects other faiths, he will remain devoted to protecting Sanatana Dharma throughout his life. His call for equal respect for all religions, combined with his unwavering commitment to defending his own faith, reflects his desire for a just and balanced approach to secularism in India.

I Have Immense Respect for the Judiciary

Pawan Kalyan began by reaffirming his immense respect for the Indian judiciary, particularly the Indian Supreme Court. He made it clear that his respect for the legal system is unwavering. However, he expressed a sincere hope that when judges resolve petitions in key cases, they consider the past history of those involved as well as the previous cases they have faced. Specifically, he called for the previous court cases against Jagan to be given the attention they deserve, urging the judiciary to fast-track those cases. Kalyan was critical of the current Chief Minister, Jagan, pointing out how he often presents himself as an innocent figure, even performing symbolic acts like personally wrapping laddus as part of his duties.

Kalyan clarified that while they never claimed this act of wrapping laddus made them impure, he stressed that the error occurred under the TTD board that was appointed during Jagan’s tenure. He asked a pointed question: “Why feel guilty when the issue of impurity in the Lord’s laddus is raised?” For Kalyan, raising concerns about the impurity in the laddus was a matter of protecting devotion and respect for religious traditions, yet they were accused of engaging in religious or diversionary politics for simply asking for an investigation.

Kalyan brushed off these accusations, explaining that there was no need for his government to divert attention from anything. After all, it had only been 100 days since they came to power, and they had already achieved significant progress, such as holding village meetings in over 13,000 villages and providing pensions to millions in just one day. Kalyan challenged those questioning his government, saying, “What is there to hide or divert in this?”

He went on to discuss Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu and how he never publicly spoke about the adulteration of the ghee used in laddus before the media. Instead, Naidu addressed these concerns privately, only after receiving a thorough report, which he shared with 164 MLAs and 21 MPs. Kalyan emphasized that the mistakes made under the TTD board appointed by Jagan must be acknowledged, and it is Jagan who should take responsibility for them.

Jagan, the Man Who Insulted Judges

Kalyan did not hold back when discussing Jagan’s questionable actions. He highlighted how YCP leaders had approached the Supreme Court regarding the laddu issue, yet Jagan himself has dozens of pending cases against him. Kalyan accused Jagan of looting thousands of crores and even insulting Supreme Court judges with abusive language. In his view, Jagan’s record is filled with damaging actions that cannot be ignored.

One of the most alarming issues Kalyan brought up was the disappearance of over 30,000 girls during Jagan’s tenure, an issue that the Chief Minister failed to address in the media. Additionally, Kalyan pointed out that there were 219 attacks on temples under Jagan’s leadership, including the beheading of Sri Rama’s idol in Ramatheertham and the burning of a chariot in Antarvedi. Shockingly, not a single culprit was caught for any of these attacks in five years, leaving these crimes unanswered.

Kalyan also detailed how Jagan’s actions have directly harmed millions of people. He spoke about how Jagan took away the livelihoods of 3.5 million construction workers by diverting ₹450 crores from their welfare fund. Through what Kalyan referred to as policy terrorism, Jagan’s policies forced many industries to leave the state, causing further economic hardship.

He did not stop there. Kalyan went on to hold Jagan accountable for the deaths of 18 people in Jangareddygudem due to spurious liquor, another issue that remained largely unaddressed. Jagan was also responsible for diverting ₹2,000 crores from the Abhaya Hastham scheme, which was meant to provide financial security to women. Additionally, Jagan spent an astonishing ₹2,500 crores simply to paint and repaint government offices with his party’s colours, a move that Kalyan found to be deeply troubling and wasteful.

Furthermore, Jagan’s actions led to the National Green Tribunal (NGT) imposing a ₹100 crore fine for bypassing environmental clearance during the construction of the Avulapalli reservoir. In another major scandal, Venkat Reddy was arrested for ₹2,566 crore corruption in the sand and mining mafia, further demonstrating the extent of corruption under Jagan’s leadership.

Where is the Former EO, Dharma Reddy?

Pawan Kalyan did not hold back in addressing the ongoing laddu controversy, criticizing the YCP leaders for turning it into a dramatic affair. He ridiculed their theatrics, saying they were speaking with camphor flames in their hands, making claims that death is inevitable if there’s a mistake in the temple rituals. However, while some leaders, such as YV Subbareddy and Karunakar Reddy, insist that no mistake occurred, Kalyan pointedly asked, "Where is the then-TTD EO, Dharma Reddy?" He highlighted how Dharma Reddy, who was at the center of these controversies during his tenure, has remained suspiciously silent. "Why hasn’t he spoken up? Where is he now?" Kalyan questioned, making it clear that many irregularities took place under Reddy’s leadership.

Kalyan accused Dharma Reddy of allowing several misdeeds to occur during his time as Executive Officer of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD). He pointed out how Reddy had entered the temple within 11 days of his child’s death, a sensitive personal detail, but added that it was under his leadership that numerous irregularities were allowed to continue. Kalyan specifically mentioned the Srivani Trust, under which hundreds of crores were diverted. He explained how the trust would collect ₹10,000 from devotees but issue receipts for only ₹500, allowing the misuse of funds on a massive scale. "Investigations are underway on all these matters," Kalyan said, vowing to bring the full extent of the corruption to light.

For Kalyan, this was not just about exposing corruption—it was about the protection and preservation of Sanatana Dharma. He called on everyone to remain committed to this cause, stressing the importance of unity in the face of any threat to Hindu Dharma. "If there is any harm to Hindu Dharma, we must unite and fight against it," Kalyan declared, adding that those responsible for these wrongdoings should be punished accordingly. His impassioned speech made it clear that justice and accountability were his primary goals. "This is my only wish," Kalyan concluded, leaving no doubt about his determination to see those responsible held accountable.

After delivering his fiery address, Pawan Kalyan personally administered the Varahi Declaration pledge to the attendees, ensuring that everyone present committed themselves to the cause of protecting Sanatana Dharma. The event was attended by several key political figures, including Tirupati MLA Arani Srinivasulu, Railway Koduru MLA Arava Sridhar, MLC Pidugu Hariprasad, BJP State Spokesperson Bhanuprakash Reddy, TDP leader Narasimha Yadav, and Jana Sena Party Programme Management Committee Chairman Kalyanam Shiva Srinivas, among others. The gathering reflected a united front, with leaders from various political backgrounds coming together in support of the cause.


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