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"सब गोलमाल है": Now, Farmer unions to march in support of CISF constable Kulwinder Kaur, who pre-planned an attack on Kangana Ranaut while in uniform and on duty, abandoning her post and compromising passenger safety under the guise of a 'rush of blood'

The march is scheduled to begin at 10 AM from Amb Sahib Gurudwara in Phase 8, Mohali, and proceed towards the SSP office located in Sector 76.
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Politics
Punjab: Farmer Unions to Hold Protest March in Mohali in Support of CISF Constable Kulwinder Kaur who Assaulted MP-elect Kangana Ranaut
Punjab: Farmer Unions to Hold Protest March in Mohali in Support of CISF Constable Kulwinder Kaur who Assaulted MP-elect Kangana Ranaut

In an upcoming event that raises several ethical questions, farmer unions in Punjab have announced plans for an “Insaaf March” on June 9th. This protest, to be held in Mohali, is in support of Kulwinder Kaur, a CISF constable who has been suspended following her assault on Kangana Ranaut, the newly elected MP from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. The incident occurred at Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport in Chandigarh on June 6th. The march will start at 10 AM from Amb Sahib Gurudwara in Phase 8, Mohali, and will head towards the SSP office located in Sector 76.

Leading this protest are the Bhartiya Kisan Naujawan Union, Samyukta Kisan Morch (non-political), and Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Committee. These groups are rallying behind Kaur, despite her being formally charged with assault under Sections 323 and 341 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), following a complaint by the CISF.

During a press conference, SKM leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal stated, "We will demand a proper investigation and we will tell him that there should be no injustice with the woman constable." Alongside Dallewal, Sarwan Singh Pandher, general secretary of the Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Committee, plans to meet with the Director General of Police (DGP) Gaurav Yadav to request a thorough examination of the events that led to the assault.

Kaur was suspended almost immediately after the incident on 6th June. Her husband is also a CISF official currently stationed in Jammu.

Kangana Ranaut Assault

On the 6th of June, a significant incident occurred at Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport in Chandigarh involving Kangana Ranaut, the newly elected MP from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. Ranaut was preparing to board a flight when she was confronted by Kulwinder Kaur, a CISF constable, during a routine security check.

The situation escalated when Kaur physically assaulted Ranaut by slapping her. Kaur justified her actions by expressing her irritation towards a statement Ranaut had made during the farmer protests. Ranaut had controversially alleged that Punjabi women were participating in the protests only in exchange for money. This comment was personal for Kaur, as she disclosed that her own mother had been among those present at the protest sites.

The response from Kaur, however, has drawn significant criticism. The expectation that a CISF constable should maintain professionalism and restraint, regardless of personal feelings, was clearly violated in this instance. The incident not only questions the conduct expected of security personnel but also highlights the emotional and complex nature of political and social issues in India. The fact that Kaur reacted in such a manner, particularly in her professional capacity, underscores the profound impact of political rhetoric on individuals and their families. This breach of protocol has led to her suspension and has sparked a broader conversation about the appropriate behavior of security forces under provocation.

Speaking on the matter, Kulwinder Kaur's family has come forward to defend her actions. Her brother, Sher Singh Mahiwal, who is notably involved in agricultural advocacy as the organizational secretary of the Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Committee, expressed support for his sister. Additionally, her mother, Veer Kaur, defended Kulwinder by stating, "Whatever she did was absolutely justified." She suggested that Kangana Ranaut's alleged use of inappropriate language during the farmer protests might have provoked Kulwinder, claiming "her daughter wouldn’t have done this otherwise."

However, these defenses bring up serious concerns about the justifications for physical aggression based on verbal provocations, especially by a member of a disciplined force. The CISF's response to this incident also sheds light on the matter. CISF top officer Vinay Kajla, serving as DIG CISF, Airports (North Sector), described Kaur's reaction as stemming from a "rush of blood" because she was agitated by Ranaut's statements during the farmer protests. He acknowledged that Kaur was apologetic post-incident and realized the damage her actions had caused to the reputation of CISF.

It seems there is an attempt by Kulwinder Kaur's family and others to mitigate the gravity of her actions through personal anecdotes. A report by Tribune highlights an instance where Kulwinder’s husband recounted to DIG Kajla that, 15 days prior to the incident, Kulwinder had a benign interaction with a young girl, giving her a chocolate after a photograph. Such narratives are sometimes introduced to soften the perception of an individual’s character in light of criminal accusations. Reportedly, in a related move, Kulwinder's husband has been granted leave for a few days, possibly to distance him from the ongoing controversy.

Further complicating the matter, DIG Kajla has revealed operational inconsistencies related to the incident involving MP Kangana Ranaut. According to him, Kulwinder was not even supposed to be in the area where the confrontation occurred. Originally assigned to the frisking zone, she unexpectedly moved to a nearby spot where Ranaut was passing. Kajla noted, "Kulwinder was not supposed to be there and came to know about the MP’s presence only after a Punjab Police cop informed her. The incident took place outside a cubicle." He also emphasized that the CISF has a comprehensive digital record of activities within the airport, underscoring that "We have a digital footprint of every happening inside the airport. The CISF is reviewing the protocol related to the personnel here."

This incident not only raises questions about Kaur's conduct and the subsequent familial defense but also about the oversight and protocols of the CISF. The fact that Kaur was out of her designated area during the incident suggests a lapse in adherence to protocol, which could indicate broader issues within the operational procedures of the airport security staff.

It is clear that Kulwinder Kaur's actions at Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport were not only reckless but also violated multiple layers of expected conduct within the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). By physically assaulting Kangana Ranaut, a newly elected Member of Parliament, while in uniform, she displayed a blatant disregard for the decorum and responsibility demanded of her position. This incident goes beyond a mere breach of professional conduct; it undermines the very essence of trust and safety that CISF personnel are sworn to uphold.

Furthermore, Kaur's decision to leave her designated post in what has been described as a "rush of blood" is equally alarming. This abandonment directly compromised the security of the airport, exposing other passengers to potential risk and danger. Such actions are unacceptable for any security personnel, especially those entrusted with the critical task of maintaining order and safety in a high-security environment like an airport.

The ramifications of this incident are severe, calling into question the training and oversight within the CISF. It underscores the urgent need for stringent reinforcement of discipline and protocol adherence, ensuring that all personnel are equipped not only with the physical skills required for their roles but also with the emotional and psychological resilience to handle provocations without compromising their duties or the safety of the public.

In conclusion, Kulwinder Kaur's conduct during the incident with Kangana Ranaut was highly inappropriate and detrimental to the reputation and operational integrity of the CISF. This incident should act as a catalyst for the CISF to reevaluate and strengthen its training programs and disciplinary measures, ensuring such breaches of conduct are not repeated.

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