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"कलयुगी नारी": Gamer Shikha Metray, a NIFT graduate and Ex-e-commerce employee, arrested and bailed by Ghaziabad Police for running a pornographic channel on YouTube as 'Kuwari Begum' for 2 years, use to upload disturbing images and obscene videos

Her mother serves as an engineer for a company in Gurugram, and her father teaches at a school in Ghaziabad.
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Gamer Shikha Metray Arrested by Ghaziabad Police Gets Bail: Was Running a Pornographic Channel on YouTube as ‘Kuwari Begum’ for Two Years
Gamer Shikha Metray Arrested by Ghaziabad Police Gets Bail: Was Running a Pornographic Channel on YouTube as ‘Kuwari Begum’ for Two Years

In a recent crackdown by the Ghaziabad Police, “Gamer Shikha Metray who promoted child sex abuse on her YouTube channel ‘Kuwari Begum’ was taken into custody on 13th June.” Despite the severity of the charges, she was later released on bail. Prior to her arrest, Shikha Metray took precautionary measures by setting all her social media profiles to private and deleting a significant number of videos from her channel. Her YouTube account, known as ‘Kuwari Begum’, has been disabled and is no longer accessible, suggesting that she either deleted her channel altogether or altered its privacy settings significantly.

In light of these events, the Ghaziabad Police have taken further steps to investigate the matter thoroughly. “On the basis of a complaint received at Kaushambi police station, a case has been registered under relevant sections. The said woman has been arrested. Further legal proceedings are underway,” stated Assistant Police Commissioner Ritesh Tripathi. As part of the ongoing investigation, authorities have decided to send Metray’s mobile and laptop for forensic analysis to gather more evidence regarding her activities related to the channel.

23-Year-Old Shikha Metray's Background and Arrest

Shikha Metray, a 23-year-old from Indergarhi, Ghaziabad, has recently been the focus of a significant legal case. She completed her fashion design studies at Delhi's National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) during the academic year 2021–2022. Following her graduation, Shikha was employed by an e-commerce company located in Kalkaji. Her family background is quite professional; her mother works as an engineer in a company based in Gurugram, while her father is a school teacher in Ghaziabad. Her younger sister is currently a 12th-grade student. Beyond her academic and early professional life, Shikha also had a stint with the Aditya Birla Company in Bengaluru.

Despite these credentials, Shikha has been running a controversial YouTube channel named "Kuwari Begum" for the past two years, which she started as a means to expand her audience. This channel, however, was not merely about gaming or fashion but veered into inappropriate territory, featuring content related to pornography. “She was doing this in an attempt to broaden her audience by posting content about pornography,” she disclosed to the authorities. Moreover, she identified herself as a professional gamer, an aspect that she combined with the content of her channel.

The legal troubles for Shikha escalated significantly when the First Information Report (FIR) was filed against her on 12th June. This action was taken following a complaint by activist Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj, who expressed serious concerns about the channel's content. Deepika reported the YouTuber directly to the Police Commissionerate office, accusing her channel of promoting sexual crimes against minors and newborns. An official complaint was lodged against Shikha under the Information Technology Act and Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act at Kaushambi police station, marking a decisive step in addressing the allegations.

The legal situation surrounding Shikha Metray, a young YouTuber, has intensified following a detailed complaint by activist Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj. The complaint, which Bhardwaj shared publicly on her X social media account, brings to light alarming accusations against Shikha’s YouTube channel "Kuwari Begum". "It has come to my knowledge that a female YouTuber running a gaming channel named Kuwari Begum is promoting and encouraging sexual acts against minors and newborn infants," read the complaint. 

Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj specifically pointed to one of the videos on the channel titled “She will say no. Let her.” According to Bhardwaj, this particular video appeared to endorse sexually aggressive behavior towards women and children and insinuated that men should ignore women’s consent. She highlighted this as a dangerous message that could misguide young boys about the nature of consent and appropriate behavior.

Following the filing of this complaint, swift action was taken against Shikha Metray. She was arrested, brought before a court, and subsequently incarcerated. This sequence of events underscores the gravity with which the authorities have treated the allegations. “Additional Commissioner of Police (ACP) Dinesh P Kumar earlier informed that two police teams were dispatched to arrest Shikha Metray, who had 2,050 subscribers and published over 115 videos on her channel which had a few hundred views,” further detailed the extent of the police operation to apprehend the accused.

These developments paint a troubling picture of how digital platforms can be misused, and they highlight the ongoing efforts by law enforcement to tackle such serious offenses. The case against Shikha Metray is a stark reminder of the responsibilities content creators have, especially when their audience may include vulnerable young viewers.

In a distressing viral video posted on 10th June, Shikha Metray explicitly discussed inappropriate topics. In her own words, "If I had a d*ck, I would have made a tutorial on masturbation. I could have then shared tips on how masturbation can be made to feel better. I would have also explained why you should masturbate."

In the continuation of the troubling video that went viral, Shikha Metray's comments escalated in severity. Her words were stark and disturbing, "Find an infant who doesn’t even have teeth. Seek permission from the child’s mother to take the child somewhere and do something." This part of the clip particularly alarmed viewers and authorities alike due to its explicit suggestion of conducting inappropriate acts with minors, an absolutely unacceptable and criminal offense.

The specific mention of targeting an infant, described so explicitly by Metray, raised alarm not only because of the content itself but also because of the callous tone and the potential encouragement of illegal activities among her audience.

She shockingly stated in her continuous statement , "I am not so sorry. If I had a d*ick, then, I would have tried it. Imagine children without teeth. Wow, it would be one heck of an experience. Oh ho ho ho, aa ha ha ha hmmm" This continuation of her previous comments further demonstrates a troubling disregard for the severity and illegality of her suggested actions.

This statement, shared openly on a social media platform, ignited significant controversy, drawing criticism for its explicit nature and the potential to negatively influence viewers.

The use of social media to disseminate such harmful ideas poses serious questions about monitoring and regulation on platforms where influencers have significant impact.

The public's reaction to these statements was one of horror and immediate call for action. Social media platforms and communities quickly mobilized to condemn her words, and legal authorities intensified their scrutiny of Metray's activities.

As investigations continue, the focus remains on ensuring that no such content remains accessible and that those responsible for its creation and distribution face appropriate legal repercussions. This case serves as a stark reminder of the responsibilities held by those who create content for public consumption, especially on platforms with the power to reach wide and impressionable audiences.

Metray's expression of a lack of remorse, articulated through "I am not so sorry," alongside her hypothetical musings about exploiting children in such a manner, highlights a serious ethical and moral lapse. Her comments not only provoke distress and anger but also raise urgent questions about the responsibility of content creators and the impact of their words on audiences.

The public reaction has been one of universal condemnation, reflecting the societal consensus against any form of abuse or exploitation of minors. Her statements have prompted a thorough investigation by law enforcement, aiming to ensure that such reprehensible content is not only removed but also that those responsible are held accountable under the law.

The situation surrounding Shikha Metray serves as a stark reminder of the influence digital media personalities wield and the critical importance of using such platforms with the utmost responsibility, particularly when addressing sensitive and potentially harmful topics.

As the controversy surrounding Shikha Metray intensified, she appears to have taken significant steps to limit her public exposure. Amidst mounting criticism from the public and the backlash from her alarming statements, Metray has made her digital presence scarce. Currently, "her YouTube and Instagram profiles are inaccessible." This action suggests that she has either deleted or deactivated these accounts, a common response by individuals facing significant public scrutiny or legal challenges.

The removal or hiding of her social media profiles is a direct response to the overwhelming negative reception to her disturbing content. This step might be an attempt to mitigate further damage to her reputation or to decrease public access to her content, which has been at the center of legal and ethical debates.

Simultaneously, the legal proceedings against Metray are far from concluded. "The police investigation into the matter is ongoing." This continued investigative effort indicates that authorities are taking the allegations against Metray seriously and are thoroughly examining all aspects of the case to ensure justice is served. The focus of the investigation remains on uncovering the full extent of any potential criminal activity and ensuring that appropriate measures are taken to prevent any future incidents.

As the case unfolds, the community and observers continue to monitor developments closely, highlighting the significant impact of social media influencers on public opinion and the importance of responsible content creation. This situation serves as a cautionary tale about the power of digital platforms and the profound responsibilities of those who use them.


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