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Walrus ‘Freya’ killed by authorities because ‘selfie-hungry’ people won’t stay away from it, wildlife experts outraged
Aug 17, 2022
Can someone be killed for being loved too much? Well, hell yeah. Norwegian authorities are standing firm by their decision of killing beloved Walrus because fans loved her "Too Much".

Suspected Militants Fatally Shoot Local Hindu Man in Kashmir
Aug 17, 2022
SRINAGAR, INDIA — In yet another attack, assailants on Tuesday killed a local Hindu man and injured his brother in a shooting that police blamed on militants fighting against Indian rule in disputed Kashmir.

Digital Medical Companies Funnel Patient Data To Facebook For Advertising
Aug 16, 2022
Digital health companies are funneling sensitive data that patients have shared with them to Facebook to help target advertisements, according to a new study from research group the Light Collective. In some cases, this sharing is running afoul of the companies’ own privacy policies and raising concerns about HIPAA violations.

How the loss of Roe directly serves white supremacists' horrifying plot
Aug 16, 2022
In a recent survey, one in three Americans said they believe immigrants are being brought to the country for political gain. This so-called “great replacement theory” holds that an effort is underway to intentionally replace native-born Americans. It’s been perpetuated recently by right-wing media. But it’s nothing new.

Spices, Christianity, and Extreme violence
Aug 16, 2022
"Spices, Christianity, and Extreme violence": 1498 Vasco da Gama anchored his ships in Calicut on Malabar Coast of India, a haven of peaceful trade, to only two years later slaughter, destroying houses and killing inhabitants, Portuguese terror started We took a ship from Mecca in which were 380 men and many women and children, and we took from it fully 12,000 ducats, with goods worth at least another 10,000. And we burned the ship and all the people on board with gunpowder. – A Portuguese companion of Vasco da Gama, 1502.

Australia: Saudi sisters claim asylum over sexuality and religion, are denied, are found dead
Aug 16, 2022
"The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible": Saudi sisters Asra Abdullah Alsehli and Amaal Abdullah Alsehli found dead in Sydney, had earlier ‘claimed asylum for sexuality and religion – but were denied’ for the lack of evidence Why were they denied, when Muslims stream into Australia all the time, includingnumerousjihadis? Did Australian authorities not want to appear “Islamophobic” by giving credence to their claims to be in danger in Saudi Arabia because of their lesbianism and rejection of forced marriage?