It’s almost impossible to wrap your head around what’s happening in our society today. India, a country once celebrated for its tight-knit families, feels like it’s drifting into unknown territory. Picture this: generations living under one roof, grandparents sharing stories with wide-eyed kids, and homes buzzing with the warmth of togetherness. That was the Bharat of old—a place where women were held in high esteem, seen as the heart of the family, almost like living goddesses. There’s a beautiful old saying in Sanskrit that captures this perfectly: "यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवताः", which translates to "Where women are honored, there the deities reside." In plain words, it means that when women are treated with respect and care, it’s as if the divine itself settles down to bless that home, that village, that land. It’s a belief that painted a picture of harmony, where goodness thrived because people valued each other.