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"अब आयो ऊंट पहाड़ नीचे": A Bareilly court convicts Mohammed Alim for Love Jihad, tricking a woman into conversion and abortion, giving him life in prison, penalizing his father, and warning of conversion threats like in Pakistan and Bangladesh

The court categorically labelled the case as an example of “Love Jihad.” The court observed that Alim posed as a Hindu to lure the victim into a relationship under false pretences.
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Law
Bareilly Court Warns of Rising Threat of Pakistan and Bangladesh-Style Religious Conversions – What the Court Said While Convicting Mohammed Alim of Love Jihad
Bareilly Court Warns of Rising Threat of Pakistan and Bangladesh-Style Religious Conversions – What the Court Said While Convicting Mohammed Alim of Love Jihad

In a significant ruling on 30th September, the Bareilly court convicted Mohammed Alim in a case of what is widely known as "love jihad." The court found Alim guilty of deceiving a woman into a relationship by pretending to be someone else—an act that tragically led to coercion, violence, and threats. Posing as "Anand," Alim managed to convince the woman that he was a Hindu, with the false intention of marriage. Once trust was established, he coerced her into sexual relations under false pretenses, leaving her in a vulnerable and dangerous situation.

This landmark judgment highlights an alarming trend, which the court pointed out—the rising threat of illegal religious conversions that mirror the troubling scenarios seen in countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh. In these nations, forced religious conversions have become a common occurrence, often through deceit and violence. The Bareilly court expressed its concern that similar conditions are being created in India, bringing attention to a problem that demands immediate action.

Alim was convicted under several sections of the Indian Penal Code, including Section 376(2)(n) (repeated rape), Section 323 (causing hurt), Section 504 (intentional insult), and Section 506 (criminal intimidation). Each of these sections reflects the gravity of the actions taken against the victim, painting a clear picture of the physical and emotional harm inflicted on her.

Adding to the severity of the situation, Sabir, Alim's father, was also convicted under Section 504 for his involvement in insulting and threatening the victim. The court did not shy away from condemning such actions, directly addressing the broader issue of “Love Jihad.” The term itself has been a point of heated debate, especially among left-liberals, fact-checkers, activists, and Islamists, who frequently argue that the notion is a fabrication of Hindu organizations. These groups often claim that such incidents simply do not occur in India. However, the court’s ruling in this case has shed light on the harsh reality, showing that "Love Jihad" is not just a figment of anyone’s imagination but a very real threat that requires the urgent attention of law enforcement and the judiciary.

By bringing this case to a close with such a strong verdict, the Bareilly court has set an example, reinforcing the importance of vigilance in protecting citizens from deceitful and harmful practices. The decision also serves as a wake-up call for those in denial, urging society to confront the issue head-on.

This ruling should not only be viewed as justice for the victim but also as a broader statement—one that resonates with the growing concern about safeguarding the nation's cultural and religious fabric from external threats. The court has raised the alarm, and now it’s time for both law enforcement agencies and the judicial system to act swiftly to prevent the spread of such incidents.

Detailed Background of the Case

According to the victim's complaint, she was a student at a computer coaching center in Bareilly, where she met a man who introduced himself as Anand. From all outward appearances, he seemed to be a Hindu, even wearing a Kalawa (a sacred thread) on his wrist, further cementing this false image. He would routinely accompany her to and from her workplace, a gesture that built a sense of trust over time. As they spent more time together, what began as a mere acquaintance turned into a romantic relationship.

As their bond deepened, Alim, still pretending to be Anand, proposed marriage. On 13th March 2022, he took her to the Radha Krishna Temple in Bareilly, where a so-called wedding took place. During this ceremony, Alim applied sindoor (vermilion) to her hairline, a traditional Hindu gesture symbolizing marriage. The victim, believing that they were married according to Hindu customs, trusted him completely. However, the court noted that no priest was present during this supposed wedding, and no rituals that could legally validate the marriage had been performed. This was nothing more than an elaborate deception designed to gain her trust.

Following this sham ritual, Alim took the victim to a friend’s room near Rohilkhand University. It was there that he coerced her into engaging in sexual relations. Worse still, he secretly filmed their sexual acts and took indecent photographs of her. These images and videos were not just a violation of her privacy; they became tools for blackmail. Alim used the explicit material he had recorded that day to manipulate her into further sexual encounters. Many of these acts took place at Rajrani Hotel in Bareilly, where he continued his exploitation.

Whenever the victim resisted or tried to distance herself from Alim, he would threaten to release the photos and videos, leaving her in a state of fear and helplessness. This torment escalated when the victim became pregnant. Instead of offering support, Alim coerced her into undergoing an abortion. On 5th May 2023, he forced her to take an abortion pill, and just a few days later, on 11th May, with the assistance of his family, he took her to a nursing home in Hafizganj, where she underwent a full abortion procedure.

The victim’s ordeal took a terrifying turn when she visited Mohammed Alim’s house in Jadaupur. It was here that she made the shocking discovery—Alim was not who he had claimed to be. Instead of the Hindu man named Anand, he was actually Mohammed Alim, a Muslim. The victim was not only deceived, but the deception had been a core part of a larger scheme, which unfolded as she learned about his real identity.

At Alim’s house, the victim encountered even more horrifying experiences. His family, including his father Sabir, played an active role in pressuring her to convert to Islam. This pressure wasn’t just verbal—it was enforced through physical violence. The family assaulted her, adding physical pain to the emotional torment she had already endured. They went further by issuing terrifying threats, warning her that if she even considered taking legal action against Alim, they would kill her. To make matters worse, the family also made it clear that they would not consider marriage until she aborted the child she was carrying. This cold, calculated cruelty left her with no choice but to flee the house in fear for her life. After enduring these relentless threats and violence, she bravely filed a complaint against Alim and his family on 27th May 2023.

Court documents further revealed how the situation had unfolded. The victim became pregnant in March 2023. In April, she informed Alim about her pregnancy and asked him to take responsibility and bring her home. His response was heartless and cruel. Instead of offering support, Alim flatly refused, stating, “I won’t take you home, get rid of the baby.” His refusal to take responsibility was just the beginning of the horrors that followed.

In May, Alim met the victim at Devernia Station. There, he tried to force her to take pills meant to terminate the pregnancy. When she refused, he responded with violence, beating her in a public space. After this brutal act, he left her at the station, but the victim, determined to confront him, followed him. Her determination brought her to Jadaupur, where the full truth about his identity finally came to light.

When she reached Alim’s house, she encountered his mother. Confused and seeking answers, she asked his mother, “Where is your son Anand?” His mother’s reply was chilling: “There is no such person by that name.” Desperate to understand what was happening, the victim showed a photo of Alim, hoping to clear up any misunderstanding. That’s when Alim’s mother finally revealed his real name—Alim. This revelation left the victim in complete shock. The man who had pretended to be a Hindu, who had gone so far as to fake a marriage in a Hindu temple, was actually a Muslim. She had been living a lie, manipulated and betrayed.

In a state of disbelief, the victim shared everything that had happened with Alim’s mother, hoping for some sympathy or understanding. However, the response she received was anything but comforting. Instead of offering support, Alim’s mother coldly told her, “Convert your religion.” This demand was the final blow, revealing the true intentions behind the deceit and manipulation that had been inflicted upon her. The victim’s entire world had been turned upside down, and now she was being pressured to abandon her faith and identity under threat of violence.

Witness Testimonies Provided Crucial Evidence

The prosecution’s case against Mohammed Alim was significantly strengthened by the testimony of several key witnesses, whose observations painted a clear picture of the victim’s distress and the calculated deception by Alim. Among these witnesses, the manager of Rajrani Hotel played a pivotal role in corroborating the victim’s account. He testified that the victim appeared visibly distressed every time she arrived at the hotel with Alim. This repeated observation of her discomfort helped validate the claims that she was being coerced into these encounters, adding weight to her narrative.

The hotel manager also provided another crucial detail—whenever Alim booked a room at the hotel, the victim deliberately stood away from the registration desk. This seemingly small but telling action was noted by the manager as part of a larger pattern of control exerted by Alim. He was always the one to make the entries in the hotel register, keeping the victim distanced from this process. However, in a twist that further supported the victim's claims, Alim used his real identity while booking the rooms. By signing the register as Mohammed Alim, he inadvertently left behind proof that the victim had not known his true name or background, backing her allegation that she had been deceived.

In addition to the hotel manager’s testimony, other witnesses provided equally important evidence that strengthened the case against Alim. The investigating officers, in particular, played a critical role in corroborating the victim’s timeline of events. Their findings aligned with the victim’s account, reinforcing her credibility and ensuring that the case against Alim was built on solid ground.

Through the testimonies of these key witnesses, the prosecution was able to piece together a clear and consistent narrative. Each witness’s account, whether from a hotel manager or law enforcement, added another layer of evidence that exposed the reality of the situation. The victim’s distress was visible to those around her, and the deception employed by Alim became undeniable. The strength of this combined testimony ensured that the court had all the evidence it needed to convict Alim and hold him accountable for his actions.

Court’s Observations: Love Jihad and Societal Implications

In its detailed and powerful judgment, the court unambiguously identified this case as a clear example of “Love Jihad.” The court's observations highlighted how Mohammed Alim had deliberately posed as a Hindu to deceive the victim, luring her into a relationship built on false pretenses. The court pointed out that Alim’s actions were not just a personal betrayal, but part of a larger, more troubling pattern of deceit. By disguising his true identity, Alim coerced the victim into sexual relations and later pressured her to convert to Islam, actions that the court found deeply disturbing. The judge remarked, “This is not just a matter of personal deceit; it is an orchestrated attempt to manipulate and exploit vulnerable individuals in the name of religion.” This observation underscored the seriousness of the case, indicating that it was not an isolated incident but a symptom of a growing problem in society.

The court drew further comparisons between this case and the situation in countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, where forced religious conversions are alarmingly common. The judge warned that such incidents, if not addressed, could have dire consequences for the secular fabric of Indian society. The court stated, “By allowing such practices to continue unchecked, we risk creating conditions in India similar to those in Pakistan and Bangladesh, where religious freedom is curtailed, and women are systematically targeted for conversion.” This strong warning from the court highlighted the societal dangers posed by these kinds of deceptive practices, emphasizing the need for urgent action to protect vulnerable individuals from falling prey to such schemes.

Furthermore, the court expressed its disappointment over the failure to invoke the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Religious Conversion Act, 2021, in this case. Despite the clear evidence of coercion and deceit, which had been used with the intent of religious conversion, the provisions of this law were not applied. The court criticized this oversight, noting that the law was specifically designed to address such situations. The judgment stated, “Despite clear evidence of coercion and deceit with the intent of religious conversion, no action was taken under the specific provisions of the law designed to prevent such conversions. This oversight must be corrected in future cases.”

In its judgment, the court expressed serious concerns regarding the potential involvement of foreign funding behind such deceptive activities. The court raised the possibility that the systematic targeting of vulnerable women for religious conversion through deceit might not be an isolated incident. Instead, it could be part of a larger, more coordinated effort. The judge observed, “The possibility of foreign funding in such cases cannot be ruled out, as these actions appear to be part of a larger conspiracy aimed at destabilising the social fabric of the country.” This statement highlighted the potential scope of the issue, suggesting that such cases might be connected to broader, more sinister motives beyond individual wrongdoing.

The court’s concerns went deeper than just this one case. It sternly pointed out that incidents like these are not merely personal crimes but represent a much larger threat to the harmony and secularism of the nation. By disguising themselves and manipulating vulnerable individuals, those involved in such acts are working toward what the court described as dangerous demographic and religious goals. The court stated, “The systematic targeting of women under the guise of love to fulfil larger demographic and religious goals is not only a crime against the individual but against the nation’s unity.” This powerful observation underscored how serious these actions were, as they posed a significant risk not only to the victims but to the unity and peace of the entire country.

The court’s statements reflected a broader concern about the potential impact such incidents could have on the delicate balance of India’s secular fabric. The manipulation of vulnerable individuals under the pretense of love was seen as a direct attack on the principles of coexistence and religious harmony that form the foundation of Indian society. The judge’s words served as a warning about the dangerous path that unchecked practices like these could lead to, threatening not only individuals but the larger unity of the country.

Legal and Societal Ramifications

Despite repeated claims from left-liberal groups, segments of the media, Islamists, and so-called fact-checkers that Love Jihad is a myth, the Bareilly court’s verdict stands as a strong affirmation of its existence. The court's ruling clearly demonstrates that deceptive practices, like those used by Mohammed Alim, are not just personal betrayals—they have serious and far-reaching consequences, both for the individuals involved and for society as a whole. The harm inflicted on the victim in this case is a stark reminder of the emotional, physical, and psychological damage caused by such manipulation and deceit.

The judgment sheds light on a critical issue that requires urgent action. The court’s observations on the increasing threat of illegal religious conversions, especially through the means of Love Jihad, signal the need for immediate attention from multiple fronts. The governments, law enforcement agencies, and the judiciary all play pivotal roles in addressing this growing problem. The court made it clear that such actions, if left unchecked, could threaten not just individual lives but also the broader secular and social fabric of the nation.

The court’s verdict should serve as a wake-up call for society. The manipulation of vulnerable women under false pretenses, with the intention of religious conversion, is not just a crime against the person, but a deliberate attack on societal unity and harmony. The importance of acknowledging this threat and taking decisive legal action cannot be understated. Governments must enact and enforce stricter laws to prevent these illegal conversions, and law enforcement agencies must remain vigilant in protecting vulnerable individuals from such deceitful practices.

Moreover, this judgment places a responsibility on the judiciary to continue recognizing and addressing these issues in future cases. By setting a strong precedent, the Bareilly court has paved the way for future legal battles against deceptive practices like Love Jihad. The ruling shows that the courts have the power to not only deliver justice to victims but also to protect the integrity of society at large.

In conclusion, the Bareilly court’s verdict marks an important step forward in acknowledging and tackling the threat posed by deceptive practices used for religious conversion. The ruling sends a clear message—Love Jihad is not a fabrication, but a real and present danger that demands immediate attention from all sectors of society. The legal and societal ramifications of this case should encourage governments, law enforcement, and the judiciary to act swiftly and decisively to ensure that such practices are eliminated, protecting both individuals and the secular principles that uphold the unity of the nation.


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