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"मनौती": Maharashtra government's allocation of ₹10 crore to the Waqf Board ignites fierce backlash from the VHP, exposing deep rifts within the BJP, and highlighting communal tensions as local Hindu groups protest perceived religious appeasement

The Minority Development Department of the government has issued an order to distribute ₹2 crores to the Waqf Board in Aurangabad on Monday (10th June)
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Politics
Maharashtra Govt Allocates ₹10 Crores to Strengthen Waqf Board, VHP Protests, Says MahaYuti Will Face Wrath of Hindus if Decision Not Reverted
Maharashtra Govt Allocates ₹10 Crores to Strengthen Waqf Board, VHP Protests, Says MahaYuti Will Face Wrath of Hindus if Decision Not Reverted

The BJP-led Maharashtra government has recently found itself at the center of a heated debate. This controversy stems from its decision to strengthen the State Waqf Board by allocating a substantial sum of ₹10 crores. Specifically, the Minority Development Department of the government has taken steps to ensure that this financial support reaches its intended recipients by issuing an order to distribute ₹2 crores to the Waqf Board located in Aurangabad, with this disbursement occurring on Monday, the 10th of June.

The plan for the allocation of the remaining funds is clearly outlined, with the funds set to be distributed to relevant bodies during the financial year 2024-25. This financial strategy indicates a commitment of 20 percent of the total funds designated for the welfare of minorities directly to the Waqf Board.

The response to this financial initiative has varied significantly among different community leaders. Mufti Manzoor Ziai, a prominent Islamic scholar based in Mumbai, has welcomed the decision, emphasizing the positive impact this funding is expected to have on the welfare of the Waqf Board and, more broadly, on the minority communities that the Board serves.

"It is a matter of happiness that the government has given 20 percent of the money allocated for the welfare of minorities to the Waqf Board. The funds can now be used better," stated Mufti Manzoor Ziai, a respected Islamic scholar, reflecting contentment with the government's financial decision. He stressed the importance of viewing this decision objectively, beyond the confines of political debates. "It was about to go. So, it is appropriate to release this money," he further elaborated, indicating that the allocation was both timely and necessary.

This financial update was formally communicated through a circular distributed on Tuesday by Moin Tashlidar, Deputy Secretary in the Maharashtra government. The document specifies that the Waqf Board is set to receive Rs 2 crore from the Rs 10 crore budget earmarked for minority welfare for the fiscal year 2024-25. Tashlidar confirmed the government's commitment to ensuring that the remainder of the funds will be appropriately distributed to other relevant entities as planned.

This recent development is linked to a prior assessment by the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Waqf, which was initiated by the Central Government. The committee's visit to Maharashtra spanned from 18 June 2007 to 22 June 2007, during which they evaluated the operations of the Maharashtra State Waqf Board and its properties. Subsequent to this inspection, promises of grants were made by the then chief minister, which have now been realized with the current financial allocation to the Waqf Board.

The Maharashtra State Government has committed Rs 10 crore in this year's budget to enhance the capabilities of the Maharashtra State Waqf Board. This funding is designed to support the board's activities and substantially improve the management of Waqf properties across the state.

This allocation of funds is a deliberate step toward fulfilling long-established promises. It aims to strengthen the infrastructure and enhance the capabilities of the Waqf Board, which is expected to result in improved services for the minority communities in Maharashtra. The initiative demonstrates the government’s ongoing commitment to supporting diverse religious groups and managing religious properties effectively.

However, this decision has not been met without criticism. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has voiced strong opposition to the allocation of ₹10 crores to the Waqf Board, labeling it as "appeasement of one religious community." VHP (Konkan) Prant Secretary Mohan Salekar expressed his disapproval, stating, “This will never be tolerated.” He criticized the BJP leaders for their apparent inconsistency, pointing out that they had opposed religiously based grants during elections but seemed to have reversed their stance post-election.

In a related development, following critical remarks from RSS ideologue Ratan Sharda regarding the BJP's commitments, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), closely associated with the Sangh, has publicly denounced the Maha Yuti government led by the BJP in Maharashtra.

On a recent Tuesday, Mohan Salekar, the Konkan "prant" secretary of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), vehemently criticized the state government's decision to "strengthen" the state Waqf Board by allocating Rs 10 crores. He declared that the VHP was entirely against this grant, asserting that the Maha Yuti government was taking actions unprecedented even under previous Congress governments. Salekar argued that this allocation was a clear case of appeasing one religious community, a stance that the VHP staunchly opposes.

During the recent election campaign, BJP leaders had vocally opposed any form of benefit or reservation based on religion. However, Salekar accused them of now subtly promoting a fundamentalist mentality, which he stated as, "This will never be tolerated," emphasizing the severity of their disapproval.

Salekar issued a stern warning regarding the political consequences of continuing financial support to the Waqf Board. He predicted that if the decision was not revoked, the Maha Yuti parties would inevitably face the displeasure of Hindu voters in the forthcoming local body and assembly elections. His comments suggest that there is considerable internal agreement within the BJP regarding the VHP’s stance, though expressed privately.

An anonymous party office-bearer reflected on the gravity of the situation, suggesting, "The allegation levelled by the VHP is serious and the government, especially Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, should take note of it. Else there will be a big problem during the elections." The prevailing sentiment among the VHP ranks is that their support for the BJP leadership should not be taken for granted, highlighting a rift that could influence future political alignments and strategies.

Tensions have escalated within the party due to recent government actions, particularly the decision to grant permission for the construction of a Muslim graveyard near the ancient Shiva temple in Ambernath. This decision has sparked significant unrest among Hindu groups. Despite numerous protests organized by various Hindu outfits, their efforts have seemingly been disregarded, leading to widespread dissatisfaction. The sentiment among the RSS cadres is one of neglect, feeling that many BJP leaders have not made sufficient efforts to engage with them or address their concerns.

This sense of alienation among the party's grassroots supporters was further exacerbated by a recent incident reported by OpIndia in May of this year. The report detailed how the entire village of Wadanage in Kolhapur had shut down in a bandh to express their discontent with the alleged encroachment of land by the Waqf Board near the Mahadev Temple. This event saw widespread participation from several Hindu organizations and local residents, highlighting the deep-seated frustration and communal tension in the area.

These incidents underscore a growing rift within the community and among the political ranks, fueled by decisions perceived to favor one community over another. The recurring theme of discontent centers around the belief that the party's actions have not aligned with the interests or the welfare of the broader Hindu community, which had traditionally looked to the BJP for representation and advocacy. These developments have led to a palpable strain within the party, with potential long-term implications for its cohesion and electoral prospects.

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