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"Haleluya": Pastor R Praveen Kumar and Sharon of Calvary Ministries, Telangana, are accused of cruelty and medical negligence towards a minor with kidney damage, falsely claiming 'miracle healing' abilities, leading to severe legal and ethical concerns

The complainant LRPF states that the Pastor and his wife are giving the impoverished, uneducated, marginalized, and weaker sectors the erroneous impression that they can treat any critical medical conditions with their prayers
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Christian
Telangana: Complaint filed against Calvary Church Pastor for ‘cruelty’ on minor girl suffering from kidney damage in the name of ‘miracle healing’
Telangana: Complaint filed against Calvary Church Pastor for ‘cruelty’ on minor girl suffering from kidney damage in the name of ‘miracle healing’

In a significant development on Wednesday, July 3rd, the Legal Rights Protection Forum (LRPF) took decisive action by lodging a formal complaint against Calvary Ministries. This organization is located in the Bellampally area of Telangana and is led by Christian Pastor R Praveen Kumar along with Sharon. The allegations center around serious accusations of cruelty and medical negligence purportedly carried out under the guise of miracle healing.

The incident that triggered the complaint involved a minor girl who is currently battling kidney failure. It has come to light that on May 16th, an emotional video surfaced on the official YouTube channel managed by Pastor Praveen Kumar. In the footage, a distraught mother shares the harrowing tale of her daughter’s medical condition. She reveals, through tears, that her daughter had been admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Niloufer Hospital, Hyderabad. The child had been receiving critical care there for the past three days. In a desperate bid to seek a cure, the mother brought her daughter to the Calvary Church's Miracle Healing Show in Hyderabad, hoping for a miraculous recovery.

Following the grievous concerns raised about the handling of a critical medical case by Calvary Ministries, further details have emerged that illuminate the severity of the situation. According to the girl’s mother, the medical professionals had grimly informed the family that the girl’s chances of survival were bleak. Despite this, in a move born out of desperation, they removed her from the ICU at Niloufer Hospital and brought her directly to the Calvary Church. This decision was made against medical advice, highlighting the parents' profound hope for a miraculous intervention. The mother further disclosed that they had signed an undertaking which absolved the doctors of any responsibility regarding the potential outcomes for their daughter's health.

In an even more distressing revelation, the mother reported that her daughter, previously immobilized by kidney damage, was now able to walk. This development, while seemingly positive, is overshadowed by the circumstances under which it occurred.

The Legal Rights Protection Forum (LRPF), in their complaint to the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), expressed severe criticism of the actions taken by the parents and the church. The LRPF stated, “It is evident from the video posted on Pastor R Praveen Kumar’s YouTube channel that, instead of providing sufficient medical treatment to the little girl during her critical situation, her parents took her to the Miracle Healing Show organized by Pastor Praveen Kumar and Sharon under the impression that her daughter would be cured with their prayers. It is also evident from the video that the little girl, who was just brought from the ICU after rejecting ongoing medical treatment by her parents, was subjected to cruelty and forced to walk during the Miracle Show by Pastor Praveen Kumar.”

The unfolding controversy surrounding Calvary Ministries and its leaders, Pastor R Praveen Kumar and Ms. Sharon, has taken a darker turn with new allegations presented by the Legal Rights Protection Forum (LRPF). In a detailed complaint, the LRPF has accused the Pastor and his wife of exploiting a critical medical case for personal gain. According to the complaint, " The act of cruelty by Pastor Praveen Kumar and Ms Sharon of Calvary Ministries towards the little girl who was suffering from serious kidney damage. Moreover, the video-graphed the minor girl child and uploaded it on their YouTube to project themselves as Miracle Healers. This is an act of causing damage to the dignity and privacy of the victim girl," emphasizing the serious ethical and legal implications of their actions.

The background of the ministry involved is also brought to light in the complaint. Calvary Ministries, established in 2003, operates under the trust registration number 39/2013 with its registered office located at Somagudem in the Mancherial District of Telangana. Over the years, under the leadership of Pastor R Praveen Kumar, the trust has been known for its large-scale Miracle Healing exhibitions held in Bellampally and Hyderabad, which are described as religious prayer gatherings.

The LRPF's complaint further highlights the problematic aspects of these exhibitions. They assert that Pastor Praveen Kumar and his wife Sharon have been targeting vulnerable groups - " the impoverished, uneducated, marginalized, and weaker sectors" - by presenting an unrealistic portrayal of their ability to heal severe medical conditions through prayer alone, a claim that stands in stark contrast to scientific and medical consensus.

This allegation points to a broader issue of potential exploitation and manipulation of individuals in desperate situations by promising solutions that are outside the bounds of medical intervention. The complaint calls for a critical examination of the actions and claims made by Calvary Ministries and its leaders, emphasizing the need for oversight to prevent further potential harm to individuals seeking help in dire circumstances.

The practices of Calvary Ministries and its leadership, Pastor R Praveen Kumar and Ms. Sharon, are once again under scrutiny as new details emerge about their methods of attracting followers and publicizing their activities. It has been reported that "they have arranged for a few persons to appear at large crowds and provide false testimony that their medical problems have been healed thanks to Pastor Praveen Kumar’s prayers." These testimonial videos are subsequently shared on their official YouTube channels, serving as a tool for publicity and attracting more attendees to their events.

This tactic has drawn significant criticism, especially in light of past legal troubles faced by the Pastor and his wife. Notably, in 2019, the couple was implicated in a grave incident that led to legal action. On May 25, 2019, an FIR was registered against them under sections 304-II (culpable homicide not amounting to murder), 420 (cheating), and 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, at Kasipet police station in Bellampally. This legal action was a response to a tragic event involving a 21-year-old individual.

According to the complaint filed by Girishetty Mangamma, her son, Girishetty Rajesh, who was suffering from a severe fever, attended the Miracle Healing Show at Calvary Church in the hopes of finding relief through the prayers of Pastor Praveen Kumar and Sister Sharon. Unfortunately, his condition worsened during the event. Despite his worsening health and his desire to seek medical attention at a hospital, it is alleged that "Pastor Praveen Kumar, sister Sharon, and other pastors refused to allow her son to be taken to the hospital, and he died in Calvary Church."

Legal Implications for Calvary Ministries Under the Drugs and Magic Remedies Act

Calvary Ministries' activities have brought them under the scrutiny of the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954, which sets clear boundaries regarding the promotion of so-called magic remedies for medical conditions. Specifically, Section 5 of the Act is relevant to the actions of the Ministries, stating: "No person carrying on or purporting to carry on the profession of administering magic remedies shall take any part in the publication of any advertisement referring to any magic remedy which directly or indirectly claims to be efficacious for any of the purposes specified in section 3." This provision aims to protect the public from misleading claims about health remedies that have no scientific backing.

Moreover, the consequences of violating these regulations are significant. Section 7 of the same Act outlines the penalties involved, which include: "–Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of this Act [or the rules issued thereunder] shall, on conviction, be penalized – a) in the case of a first conviction, with imprisonment for up to six months, a fine, or both; b) in the case of a subsequent conviction, imprisonment for up to one year, a fine, or both." These stringent penalties underscore the seriousness with which the law treats such offenses, reflecting a societal commitment to maintaining ethical standards in health-related advertising.

In response to these concerns, a complaint has been filed with the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), urging them to take strict action against Pastor R Praveen Kumar, Ms. Sharon, and any associates involved in the alleged malpractices. The NCPCR's role in safeguarding children's rights makes it a crucial institution in addressing potential abuses of power and trust, especially in sensitive cases involving health and well-being.

This situation with Calvary Ministries not only brings to light specific alleged illegal activities but also raises broader questions about the regulation of miracle healing claims and the protection of vulnerable individuals from exploitation under the guise of religious or spiritual healing. The ongoing legal processes will likely shed more light on the practices of the Ministries and ensure that necessary measures are taken to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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