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रमजान में रील🙆‍♂️


Men is leaving women completely alone. No love, no commitment, no romance, no relationship, no marriage, no kids. #FeminismIsCancer


"We cannot destroy inequities between #men and #women until we destroy #marriage" - #RobinMorgan (Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed) 1970, p. 537) And the radical #feminism goal has been achieved!!! Look data about marriage and new born. Fall down dramatically @cskkanu @voiceformenind


Feminism decided to destroy Family in 1960/70 during the second #feminism waves. Because feminism destroyed Family, feminism cancelled the two main millennial #male rule also. They were: #Provider and #Protector of the family, wife and children


Statistics | Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in #drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in #crime, #girls more likely to become pregnant as teens


The kind of damage this leftist/communist doing to society is irreparable- says this Dennis Prager #leftist #communist #society #Family #DennisPrager #HormoneBlockers #Woke


"Rape is no different than murder. It kills a part of the victim’s soul": While we slumber in our comfort, peaceful equipped yet another word Taharrush, the ‘collective harassment’ where women are openly raped by a large crowd of men in a barbaric manner

Hindus should forget about the law. Democracy and the legal system are so corrupt it takes ages to punish the culprit. The fragile legal system of India is an encouragement for Muslim terrorists
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Islam
Taharrush meaning ‘collective harassment’ where women are openly raped by a large crowd of men
Taharrush meaning ‘collective harassment’ where women are openly raped by a large crowd of men

Rape should not even happen in this world but when it does, it’s usually behind doors, or in dark alleys.

‘Taharrush Jamai‘, Taharrush meaning ‘collective harassment’ in Arabic is a practice where women are openly raped or sexually assaulted by a large crowd of men in a barbaric manner. These offenders are bolder because they feel safe in numbers. As these occurrences take place in very large crowds, the offenders usually go unpunished as it would be difficult to determine who did what.

What’s worse, it was reported by the Humanitarian that the harassment was perceived as a ‘game’.

“The game is usually played where there are mass gatherings, protests where the savages find safety and it is a true act of violence, groping, digital rape and in many cases penile penetrative rape of the victim.”

Why most of the rapists, criminals, looters, and molesters across the world lodged in jails are converting to cult Islam, when Muslim clerics approach them for conversion? The answer lies in the cult’s legalization and glorification of all crimes against humanity including rape, killings, and loot. One such glorification is called Taharrush (تحرش) or Taharrush Jinsi (تحرش جنسي) in Islam. Committing all types of heinous crimes against non-muslims is considered a moral act by Muslims. They are brainwashed from a young age that they are superior to all non-muslims; Non-muslims deserve to be hated, raped, and killed by Islamists.

In Islamic countries, Taharrush (तहर्रूश) is widely known as Taharrush Gamea, Taharrush Khella, and Taharrush Jamai (सामूहिक यौनाचार). It is the blatant glorification of a dreadful and inhuman act of Gang Rape. A victim witnessing this filthy Islamic crime is raped by a minimum of 10 to 200 people. It is an organized rape crime where the victim is groped, molested, and pushed by different sets of Islamists, insulting her modesty. In Taharrush, a group of men changes as the victim is pushed by different sets of people to be molested by dozens of Muslims in a sharing manner. It is done by forming concentric circles.

Taharrush rape terrorism has now become a Global Phenomenon

A few Islamic researchers say that Taharrush is just an Arabic word for 'provocation' yet doesn't mean Gang Rape. These are the same bundle of Muslim clericals who reject that Kafir doesn't be guaranteed to mean non-muslims and Jihad isn't killing Hindus, Christians, Jews, and Sikhs.

Few Islamists partially admit that depending on the scenario, men do have the right to punish women so it is permissible to ‘sexual harassment’ but does not amount to Gang Rape or Rape Game. But if you closely notice their statements, you can easily observe that they are admitting it indirectly without inferring criminally offensive terms like rape.

Muslims bury terrorists following Islamic ritual but slyly deny that the killed terrorist has no connection to Islam similarly you find hypocrite Muslims giving false statements about Taharrush; Taharrush has no direct link with Islam, It was Islamic practice in ancient times but not now, Islam does not support it, Taharrush was kids play now distorted, Taharrush is a punishment for adultery, Taharrush is punishing women who disrespect modesty (according to uncivilized Islam).

Muslim children in Madarsas are taught from a very young age about punishing girls who divert from the path of Islam, for say who wear non-Islamic clothes, eat non-halal food, work outside the home and learn new skills. One of the mass imposed punishments include Taharrush, the punishment is subjected to non-muslims and Muslim women both. In most of the recent cases, 95% of the Taharrush victims were women who followed Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism, and Judaism.

Like endless types of Jihad (terrorism), Taharrush has different forms. According to the political scientist As’ad AbuKhalil. During a training session in Cairo in 2012, an anti-harassment group discussed 14 forms of Taharrush, including Group Taharrush or Taharrush Jamai (التحرش الجنسي الجماعى). The legalization and open glorification of criminal acts is making this world a living hell for people who are surrounded by uncivilized Islamists and Muslims. Muslims wrongly think they are serving anti-God Allah devotedly by committing heinous crimes against non-muslims.

Muslims and Islamists men claim women are respected and revered in their culture and in the “Quran” yet when they are in large groups and feel free of any restraints or personal responsibility their true colors shine through – a total disregard for honor, dignity, or feelings of women. They are the lowest scum there is and devoid of any honor or morality. And “Taharrush is proof of that”.

Taharrush inspiration from Quran

Both Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb are emic, or culturally specific terms used to describe the world from a Muslim perspective.

Dar al-Islam means 'house of peace' and refers to the dominion of Islam, namely, any structure (be it a home, community, or state) that allows the free practice of Islam. It is most commonly used to delineate countries around the world that are under Islamic rule and thus fully permit the majority expression of the Muslim faith.

Dar al-Harb means 'house of war' and refers to the dominion of war around the world. Generally, it refers to any place that Islam cannot be practiced without persecution. It also refers to a country that is not under Islamic rule, and is thus not amenable to the majority of its inhabitants practicing Islam.

The two terms exist as opposites, with the general perception within Islam (both historically and in many modern accounts) that each is always attempting to win back territory and influence from the other.

Quran advocates that all Muslims are consistently at war with each non-muslim (Hindus in our case). Their prime duty is to convert Dar al-Harb Bharat into Dar al-Islam country. Darul Islam means an Islamic state.

When gangster cult Islam followers Muslims are in minority, they indulge in soft Jihad. They are doing these major forms of Jihad for 800 years. Lack of knowledge of the Quran and the opaqueness of Muslim society kept their modus operandi hidden and they were able to successfully divide Bharat into 3 parts. However with the surge in information technology now these ONE BOOK SLAVES are exposed.

  1. Ummah Jihad (deal only among themselves boycotting Hindus)
  2. Population Jihad (multiply like rats)
  3. Love Jihad (entrapment of Hindu girls)
  4. Property Jihad (illegal occupation of Hindu property bribing bureaucrats)
  5. Land Jihad (using prayer as a medium to capture government places)

Quran is not a godsend. It is a terrorism manual of gangster cult Islam. The verses of the Quran are filled with glorification of all crimes against Humanity – rape, violence, slavery genocide, and loot. Terrorist Mohammed was involved in all sins against Humanity. Quran preaches Muslims to consider Mohammed as THE PERFECT MAN. If a terrorist is a perfect man for Islam and Muslims then how can share a locality with Muslims will be ever safe for non-muslims (Hindus)? Hindus are always in danger. Most of the inter-faith crimes occur against Hindus. Hindus are victims of riots and murder executed by Muslims.

Jihad has many forms. Love Jihad is one of the tools of Islam to increase the population of Muslims to realize their dream of Dar al-Islam (converting India into an Islamic nation). Muslims consider non-muslim women as commodities and sex toys – part of Khumus/Khums (booty).

Taharrush gang rape jihad: Quran verses, Hadiths, Mohammed’s permission, and Allah’s approval

The sinful mindset that non-muslim women are inferior and created by Allah to be treated as Sex slaves, makes Muslim men orchestrate Taharrush Gamea. The Quranic verses and hadiths mind condition Muslim men to ill-treat non-muslim women. Normalization and open permission of gang rape in Islam is the reason for the Taharrush Gamea cases.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Hadith Number 637

Narrated by Buraida: The Prophet sent ‘Ali to Khalid to bring the Khumus (of the booty) and I hated Ali, and ‘Ali had taken a bath (after a sexual act with a slave-girl from the Khumus). I said to Khalid, “Don’t you see this (i.e. Ali)?” When we reached the Prophet I mentioned that to him. He said, “O Buraida! Do you hate Ali?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “Do you hate him, for he deserves more than that from the Khumlus.”

This clearly proves that Muhammad approved of his men having forceful sex with women slaves, as this episode even involved his son-in-law, Ali. Muhammad had forbidden Ali from marrying another woman as long as Fatima (his favorite daughter) was alive.

Bukhari's hadith and Slavery

There are hundreds of Hadiths that deal with slavery.  Whole chapters of Hadith are dedicated to dealing with the taxation, treatment, sale, and jurisprudence of slaves.  In addition to this, numerous Hadith mention slaves, and their relation to their Muslim masters.  Here is a selection of Hadith on slaves:  [all Hadith are from Sahih Bukhari unless noted.]

Vol. 5-#459: Narrated Ibn Muhairiz:  "I entered the mosque and saw Abu Khudri and sat beside him and asked him about coitus interruptus.  Abu said, "We went out with Allah's messenger for the Ghazwa (attack upon) Banu Mustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus.  So when we intended to do coitus interruptus we said "How can we do coitus interruptus without asking Allah's messenger while he is present among us?"  We asked (him) about it and he said "It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul (till the Day of Resurrection) is predestined to exist, it will exist."

Here, the Muslims attacked the Banu Mustaliq and took slaves. The female slaves were distributed as booty to the Muslim soldiers. Being away from home, the soldiers became horny, and want to have sexual relations with the newly captured female slaves. They went to Muhammad and asked about coitus interruptus. He told them not to practice that, but to complete the sexual act with the slaves. Related Hadith shows that they didn't want to get the women pregnant because they wanted to be able to sell them later on. Under Islamic law, they were not allowed to sell pregnant female slaves.

            In effect, Muhammad okayed the rape of female prisoners.

In 2014, al-Azhar (the most prestigious university in the Islamic world) declared that Muslims could make women sex slaves at any time by holding them in conflict. Suad Saleh, despite being a woman, was considered a so-called 'moderate' woman, who said this at a time when thousands of Yazidi women (of Muslim terrorists of ISIS) were being brutally raped by the Islamic State.

When Muslim women scholars openly support the rape of Kafir women, it becomes clear that Muslims have no problem with raping Kafir women, there is an open exemption in Islam and the Quran to rape Kafir (non-muslim) women.

INCIDENT: A rape incident was told by a 12-year-old Yazidi girl. A 12-year-old girl taken captive by the Islamic State explained that her ‘master’ would pray to Allah before he raped her-

“He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape a Kafir girl. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to Allah.”

“Other sex slaves have been forced to pray before the rape or recite passages from the Quran during it.”

“When a Yazidi woman begged a caliphate member not to rape a”7 years old little girl, he responded, “She’s a slave… and having sex with her pleases Allah.”

Where Taharrush Muslim Rapists Attack?

The most effective places considered by Taharrush Muslim Rapists are:

  1. Public gathering
  2. Mass events
  3. Protests
  4. Mass movements
  5. New year's eve
  6. Carnivals
  7. Open shows
  8. Riots
  9. Other non-Islamic festivals infiltrated by Muslims faking as non-muslims

Among Muslim clerics of the Arab and Islamic world, Pakistani Islamic scholars are more open in admitting that attacks are correcting unIslamic behavior of women like working outside, not wearing hijab, not obeying husbands/parents, and making friends with non-muslims, discussing gossip, etc. They justify the acts of Muslim gang rapists who are involved in Taharrush Jamai. The punishment process is deemed as an act of terrorizing women so that they follow the path of modesty (as per Islam), out of fear and shame, culprit women would not leave home again and wear hijab. Innocent victims are blamed but not the Muslim molesters and rapist

Way to avoid Taharrush happening to You

Keep the company of your spouse or any other trusted non-muslim friend whenever you visit crowded places. If your locality or country has a considerable Muslim population, better visit all gatherings with a large group of trusted friends. NEVER visit such places alone or in a drunken state.

Taharrush Gamea in Europe and India

When the first incidents of women being assaulted by crowds of Arab men came out of Cologne, Germany, on New Year's Eve, the news was suppressed. However seeing a surge in  Taharrush Rape, the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) admitted, that the alleged Arab rape game Taharrush (तहर्रूश) is now in Europe. The dirty game of molesting women was brought to Europe by the hordes of Muslim refugees seeking asylum.

Later, the leaked reports proved that the police were unable to stop the disorder, as the little police staff was incompetent to deal with the massive gathering. As per the reports by NRW state, 516 criminal complaints had been registered out of which 237 of were of a sexual nature.

According to the spectator, Taharrush Gamea got popular media attention in Egypt in 2005, when female protesters against the Mubarak government were sexually assaulted by plain-clothes Muslim policemen. Many subsequent cases were political in nature, but not all: as Mariam Kirollos writes, in 2006 “Egyptian bloggers reported cases of group sexual assault in downtown Cairo, where large groups of men groped veiled and unveiled women, and in some cases ripped their clothes off.

After the revolution in 2011, the attacks became more organized and aggressive. The following year, volunteer groups of men began patrolling parts of Cairo to protect women from collective assaults. These became horribly frequent: in the summer of 2013, in the ten days around the time President Morsi was deposed, there were 186 documented cases of mob harassment, assault, and rape. It is believed that unreported incidents are double that of documented cases.

Heather McRobie, a journalist and academician previously based in Egypt, says some of the assaults in Tahrir Square were coordinated political attacks – the authorities wanted to make the square unsafe and to drive out women. “Some were also opportunistic, like at a festival – lots of people, easy to get lost in the crowd, and Muslim men can take undue advantage of that situation.

Reports from Germany inform that similar incidents have occurred in Berlin, Hamburg, Bielefeld, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, and Stuttgart. But it’s not only Germany that is suffering; other European nations such as Austria, Sweden, and Switzerland have also reported similar Taharrush cases in hundreds. According to Holger Munch of the BKA, attacks can range from stealing belongings to groping (molesting) and rape. The women who have come out and reported these incidents to tell of the horror they have gone through. There are many who did not turn up to report horrific incidents. Due to the advent of social media, awareness about Taharrush is now shared with the world.

The rise in the Muslim population is responsible for the hike in reported cases of Taharrush rape. Most of the Taharrush cases are reported from European countries. Being the largest Muslim-populated non-Islamic nation, there are similar types of Taharussh rape committed by neighborhood Muslims in the subcontinent but MSM in India is corrupt, pro-Islamic, leftist, and Hinduphobic so they downplay all such cases and do not even cite them as Taharussh cases filled with guile and hatred towards Hindus. This is happening due to the anti-Hindu ecosystem built by ever-decadent political parties of India.

Lara Logan was one of the 1st instances of 'Taharrush' (Arab RAPE GAME) reported in US Media. It is TERRIFYING when our "Feminist" Media KNOWS what is happening to women yet still insists on flooding America with Illegals & "Refugees" without extreme vetting!

Taharrush in India

With the rise in Muslim appeasement policies by governments of India, the conviction rate for rape cases declined, no political party strictly handled the rape cases as mostly Muslims were involved in India, vote bank politics ruined the social life of Indians, and the conviction rate for rape was 44 percent in 1973, 38 percent in 1983, 27 percent in 2009, 27 percent in 2010, 26 percent in 2011, 24 percent in 2012 and 27 percent in 2013.

Taharrush in India is very slyly organized by Muslims, these scavengers are part of the common life in the form of skilled laborers or professionals like a coach, teachers, barbers, carpenters, drivers, and Muslim clerics. Most of the cases are of Taharrush Jinsi (تحرش جنسي)

They keep a close watch on the family background of the target victim then they establish contact with the victim, as they get a chance to isolate the victim, they kidnap and rape the girl. In 60% of the cases, a Muslim goon dupes the girl by tricking or drugging her and takes her to an isolated place where his other Muslim friends are waiting to execute the crime. Taharrush in India has also another aim of forcefully converting the victim Hindu girl into a satanic cult of Islam.

There are multiple cases reported in India which has a resemblance to organized Taharrush crime but leftist Indian media being corrupt to the core and funded by petrodollars never highlight the incidents as organized Taharrush crime. Like Ajmer Tahrrush Rape case was blacked out by the media, to this day, they change the names of the Muslim rapists in heinous rape crimes. Muslim Mohammed Afroz, the most gruesome rapist of all, who inserted a rod in the vagina and took out the victim’s intestine, was shown as Raju (Hindu name) in the Jyoti Singh Nirbhaya rape and murder case. Similarly, all the four rapists in the recent Hyderabad Tahrrush Rape murder case of Hindu sister Priyanka Reddy were Muslims but the names of all three rapists were populated as Hindus, imposter fakery that three of them are minor so their original names should not be revealed. However, the anti-Hindu media and corrupt police department never use Muslim names for minor Muslim rapists why hide Islamic crimes and the Taharrush epidemic by hiding the religion of the accused? why shame Hindus for the rape crimes committed by Muslims? Corrupt media and the police department have no answer.

The corrupt ecosystem of India is anti-Hindu, slowly the ecosystem is forcing Hindus to ENACT THEIR OWN LAW and PUNISH THE CULPRITS on the spot as it is done in a few of the Indian villages even today.

A recent incident of Taharrush is rape committed by a group of Muslims. Mohammed Pasha and his accomplices raped a Hindu girl Priyanka Reddy near the Tondupally toll plaza.

The victim Priyanka Reddy parked her scooter near the Tondupally toll plaza which got the attention of 2 Muslim lorry drivers and their cleaners. They deflated her scooter’s tyre in her absence. After returning she noticed the flat tyre and made a call to her sister. Later, the accused on the pretext of helping ambushed and pushed her into nearby bushes. The victim was raped by four men and then killed by smothering when she gained consciousness. The men loaded her corpse in the lorry and burnt her around 2:00 to 2:30 am, 30 km away from the toll booth near Shadnagar culvert on Hyderabad Outer Ring road. Initially, reports were circulated that she was burnt alive. We cannot trust media and police departments as they do dilute crimes committed by Muslims in India.

The filthy Islamic concept of commoditizing women as sex objects to use them as sex toys made this Taharrush game very popular in Muslim-dominated areas and Islamic countries; Egypt, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Sudan with other Arab nations. Women are made victims regardless of religion however cases recently reported suggest that victims are mostly non-muslims (Kafirs). The horrific game again got global attention in 2013 during the uprising in Cairo’s Tahrir Square where local women and foreign journalists were assaulted by groups of men attending the protests against the Egyptian president. The terrifying Taharrush mass rape has encapsulated the entire India slowly killing Hinduism and the modesty of Indian womanhood.

It is high time we teach our Hindu girls to stay in large groups with Hindu brothers and attack Muslim men whenever they feel even the slightest danger from them. The attack is the best defense when your neighborhood is filled with Islamic scavengers.

Delhi riots 2020 witnessed a huge surge in Taharrush Gamea rape cases however gilt born media persons of corrupt MSM of India never highlighted the Taharrush Jamai Gang Rape cases to spread awareness about the danger Hindu girls are facing in Bharat.

Kaushalya Devi reportedly told to a Youtube Channel Bharat Shakti, “We were surrounded by Muslim mobs, they burned and destructed our temples, homes, and Hindu shops. They were fully prepared for riots, they had petrol bombs, knives, stones, pistols, and acid bottles. We were forced to remain hidden in our homes. We stayed without electricity and meager water for 4 continuous days. Muslim terrorists got free run to cause destruction to Hindu establishments. We thought of them as neighbors, contributed to their religious festivals, and adjusted in Ramzan so that they could do namaz peacefully blocking our daily movements for a month. But the Muslims are selfish and cunning people. They are backstabbers. We Hindus should have not trusted Muslims. The most shocking aspect of all the riot incidents orchestrated by the Jihadis are MOLESTING AND RAPING MINOR HINDU GIRLS – these are the same girls who respected them as Chacha or Bhai Jaan but the same Muslim goons stripped our girls naked, molested them, some girls are not even speaking about it crying continuously. It seems they are being raped too. Their parents are not ready for medical examinations not letting us meet the daughters too due to prestige issues. These Muslim neighbors literally took off all clothes of girls studying from 6th to 9th class and sent them home naked. Several marks on their bodies visibly prove the molestation by Muslim rapists.

Why do Hindus foolishly expect humanity from a cult that edifies a pedophile who raped 8 years 7 months old Ayesha as Rasul? He is considered a perfect man by Muslims – they are told to replicate Muhammad’s footsteps in their life. Only a fool and insane Hindu would trust a Muslim ever in his or her life.

Hindus should forget about the law. Democracy and the legal system are so corrupt it takes ages to punish the culprit. The fragile legal system of India is an encouragement for Muslim terrorists. It's time to kill the pedophile Muslim rapists on the spot. No one in the world can deal with terrorists invoking civil laws. Civic rules are for civilized people not for uncivilized inhuman neighborhood Muslim terrorists. Few of them punished to death would invoke fear among other Muslim rioters. Myanmar did the same thing with Taharrush Gamea Rohingya rapists. They were killed, this invoked fear among other Muslims, and Myanmar was able to control the growing Gang Rape menace of Islamists. Their #BoycottMuslimsEconomically also helped in drying off zakat funds utilized for Islamic terrorism. They stopped buying from Muslim shops, stopped hiring them as employees, and terminated several Muslims from their jobs.


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