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"Biological male or female tumko kasie malum was psychologically male or female - Batao!!! Bingo": Woke culture overshadowing science as Gender activists push to bar anthropologists from identifying human remains as ‘male’ or ‘female’

"While a bioarchaeologist might identify a set of remains as "probably female", it is understood that the gender of an individual is never necessarily the same as their sex, and that gender is a whole spectrum we've barely begun to unpack", Palladino wrote in a thread
 |  Satyaagrah  |  Opinion
Gender Activists want archeologists not to determine gender of human remains
Gender Activists want archeologists not to determine gender of human remains

As language changes and continues to evolve, it’s not unusual for a word or phrase to make its way into the mainstream and leave many confused about its actual meaning. One that’s been used with increasing frequency over the past few years is “woke”.

The old meaning of the word defines woke as simply the “past simple of wake”, as in to wake up, or awake. In a modern sense, the meaning of the word has changed a lot, and in 2017, the new meaning of the word woke was officially added to the dictionary.

Described by Merriam-Webster as “chiefly US slang”, the dictionary defines the word as: “Aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice).” Most secular educated and sociopolitically active Indians today know there is something called Woke (awakened) Culture or Wokeism that is sweeping politics/politicians, universities, colleges, and the common man across democratic India, it is dominating new age popular culture.

All OTT platforms have the same themes on loop – caste, gender, Islamophobia, etc. In India, it has already progressed to become an electoral force too. But what is this woke (awakened) culture? A political movement? A social theory? Economic model? Or something that encompasses all this and more, like a Hindutva movement?

With the so-called ‘intellectual-wokes’ controlling and setting the narrative discourse run in our country, it sets a dangerous precedent and needs to be stopped, immediately.

Unfortunately, the Woke culture has permeated the Indian culture and is negatively affecting the upcoming generations, =this is indeed a sad fact. While the recent incident in which Indian cricketers ‘took the knee’ in support of black lives exemplified how ‘woke culture’ has spread, this initiative was never taken by the woke celebrities in opposition to the injustice meted out to Hindus in India under the guise of religious extremism, a tragic reality.

Gender should be defined by the people who live it. In case you haven’t heard, we’re in the middle of a gender revolution. We aren’t merely male or female. We’re trans; we’re gender-fluid; we’re nonbinary; we’re agender. That is to say, people are no longer confining themselves to the classification of the bodies they were born with or society’s rules for what those bodies can and cannot do.

Woke argue scientists cannot know how ancient individual identified themselves

As soon as ancient human remains are excavated, archaeologists begin the work of determining the number of traits of the individual, including age, race, and gender.

But a new school of thought within archaeology is pushing scientists to think twice about assigning gender to ancient human remains.

It is possible to determine whether a skeleton is from a biological male or female using objective observations based on the size and shape of the bones. Criminal forensic detectives, for example, do it frequently in their line of work.

But gender activists argue scientists cannot know how an ancient individuals identified themselves.

“You might know the argument that the archaeologists who find your bones one day will assign you the same gender as you had at birth, so regardless of whether you transition, you can’t escape your assigned sex,” tweeted Canadian Master’s degree candidate Emma Palladino last week.

Palladino, who is seeking an advanced degree in archaeology, called assigning gender to an ancient human “bullshit.”

“Labelling remains ‘male’ or ‘female’ is rarely the end goal of any excavation, anyway,” wrote Palladino. “The ‘bioarchaeology of the individual’ is what we aim for, factoring in absolutely everything we discover about a person into a nuanced and open-ended biography of their life.”

“My trans+non-binary friends: You might know the argument that the archaeologists who find your bones one day will assign you the same gender as you had at birth, so regardless of whether you transition, you can’t escape your assigned sex,” Palladino wrote in a tweet, which has since garnered over 10,000 retweets, and more than 59,000 likes.

In a follow-up tweet, Palladino said, “gender + queer archaeologists and scholars have been working for decades to unpack assumptions that archaeologists make about gender and identity, both today and in the past.”

“No field is perfect, and there’s absolutely more work to be done, but by and large, archaeologists are acutely aware of how culturally and spatially relative the concepts of sex, gender, and identity are,” she added.

Palladino, who believes that assigning biological sex to ancient human remains is “bullshit,” added that “labeling remains ‘male’ or ‘female’ is rarely the end goal of any excavation, anyway.”

“The ‘bioarchaeology of the individual’ is what we aim for, factoring in absolutely everything we discover about a person into a nuanced and open-ended biography of their life,” she argued.

“There’s absolutely more work to be done, and more education, empathy, and sensitivity is very much required in the field of archaeology,” the student continued.

Palladino went on to reassure the transgender community that even if “some shitty archaeologist in the future misgenders” them, they will still get to be whoever they want to be, even when they’re dead.

“And even IF some shitty archaeologist in the future misgenders you, that will never change who you were, regardless of whether you’ve medically or socially transitioned, regardless of anything,” she wrote. “You are you, a dignified human, and always will be, even in death.”

She is not alone. Gender activists have formed a group called the Trans Doe Task Force to “explore ways in which current standards in forensic human identification do a disservice to people who do not clearly fit the gender binary.”

“We propose a gender-expansive approach to human identification by combing missing and unidentified databases looking for contextual clues such as decedents wearing clothing culturally coded to a gender other than their assigned sex,” the group’s mission statement reads.

“We maintain our own database of missing and unidentified people who we have determined may be Transgender or gender-variant, as most current database systems do not permit comparison of missing to unidentified across different binary sex categories. We engage directly with the wider forensic science community to explore ways to dismantle damaging and ineffective practices in the investigative process. We also reach out to law enforcement departments which may have cases involving a gender-variant decedent and offer our services as forensic genetic genealogists.,” the group writes.

This February, University of Kansas Associate Professor Jennifer Raff published “Origin: A Genetic History of the Americas,” in which she argued that there are “no neat divisions between physically or genetically ‘male’ or ‘female’ individuals.”

Raff (pictured) suggested scientists cannot know the gender of a 9,000-year-old biologically Peruvian hunter because they don’t know whether the hunter identified as male or female – a “duality” concept she says was “imposed by Christian colonizers.”

Raff did not respond to a request from The College Fix to comment.

Some archaeologists push back at the effort to de-gender human remains.

San Jose State archaeology Professor Elizabeth Weiss told The Fix that eliminating gender classifications amounts to “ideologically-motivated fudging.” Weiss said there is a move among academics “toward getting all of the academy’s favored shibboleths to accord with one another.”

Weiss said the recent explosion in the number of people identifying as transgender suggests that trend is “social and not biological,” so “retroactively de-sexing obscures this obvious fact.”

She noted that applying biological sex to remains often helps dispel myths detrimental to women.

“Some early anthropologists sometimes mistook some robust female skeletons as male skeletons, particularly in the Aleut and Inuit collections; this reinforced false stereotypes that females were not as hard-working as males,” she said. “Over time, biological anthropologists and archaeologists worked hard to determine which traits are determined by sex, regardless of time and culture. This new policy of erasing this progress is a step back for science and women.”

“Sexing skeletal remains is a critical skill in forensics and any diminishing of this skill will negatively impact criminal investigations, denying the victims and their families justice,” she said.

Weiss is currently suing her school for locking her out of its human remains collection, which she says is retribution for her position opposing the repatriation of human remains.

Weiss is joined by University of Cambridge scholar Jennifer Chisolm, who has argued analyses that posit transgender individuals played a large part in Indigenous populations are often ahistorical, and can even distract “from the contemporary discrimination [such individuals] face within their own communities.”

Gender politics are not the only ideology to work its way into anthropology and archaeology. Some activists have called for scientists to cease classifying remains by race, as well.

“Forensic anthropologists have not fully considered the racist context of the criminal justice system in the United States related to the treatment of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color; nor have we considered that ancestry estimation might actually hinder identification efforts because of entrenched racial biases,” Elizabeth DiGangi of Binghamton University and Jonathan Bethard of the University of South Florida wrote in a study released in January.

“Ancestry estimation contributes to white supremacy,” DiGangi and Bethard wrote, labeling the practice “dangerous.”

Others have called for changing primate names that were derived from white men from the northern hemisphere. The activists argue that continuing to use the current names is “perpetuating colonialism and white supremacy.”

“This is just another attempt to insert a current woke ideology where it doesn’t belong,” Weiss said.

Woke academicians are now targeting youth and children. This is because it’s easier to shape their minds to fit their beliefs rather than adults. As for the so-called wokes, it is sad that they are targeting children to further and perpetuate their nefarious objectives, and we can all see the unfortunate results. The current generation is influenced by the so-called ‘open and modern’ films, songs, and TV content, that air on multiple OTT platforms. This is reflected in the way the majority of these children are behaving in real life. This cultural misappropriation isn’t limited to various modes of entertainment but has also spread to academics. By sharing expropriated knowledge, we are damaging the ancient wisdom of our Bharat Varsha. Woke academicians are using books as a medium to teach racism, sexism, and any other ultra-modern concepts to children in a fashionable format to channel and mold their thinking in a said fashion.

“Wokeness” is a post-modernism trend, which is destructive, malevolent, troublesome, and a restrictive ideology, contrary to how it is promoted. Every free democratic society in the world is falling into its vicious trap because it promotes freedom of thought and speech under the guise of promoting freedom. Due to the institutional grip, it is tightening on India’s academic, political, and cultural systems through the academic route, the challenge posed by these ‘neo-modernists’ must be addressed head-on and quickly. Politically woke culture isn’t only about being sensitive to the never-ending groups of people. Powered by malicious intentions, it is armed with weapons capable of destroying nationhood and pre-existing cultures long before the neo-Marxist paradigm, precisely which led to the Soviet Gorgon mutation and the rebirth of China’s Capitalist Totalitarian regime today.

With the intent of using ‘political correctness as a tool for yielding soft power, the neo-Marxists have begun silencing the voice of the people, because they wish to supplant indigenous cultural and political paradigms by substituting their narrative of gender, equality, racism, and religious tolerance. The neo-Marxists crafted their strategies to counter the so-called ‘historical injustices,’ but their main objective is to undermine people’s rights to speech, thoughts, expressions, their ability to resist and organize, all this so that they can gain power over others. In reality, these free speech propagators create an illusion of political correctness but ultimately aim to control our freedom of speech and therefore our public discourse narratives. We are living in an unfortunate time that, in the land of Bhagwat Geeta, Arthashastra, Shanti Parva, et al freedom of speech, resistance, and cross-questioning were always affirmed and promoted as means for seeking truth to power but today people are being taught to speak in a particular way and tow a set line as our thoughts are channeled and filtered.


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