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Wednesday, 26 March 2025 | 12:57 pm

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Gandhi's readiness to warp the lyrics of a Hindu religious hymn to assuage Muslim apprehensions is a striking illustration of this one-sided dynamic
| Satyaagrah | Mahatma Gandhi
Excerpts from the iconic George Orwell's incisive critique of Mohandas Gandhi, his methods and his legacy reveal several unflattering truths about the Mahatma
| Satyaagrah | Opinion
And wonder of wonders, instead of assisting Hindu and Sikh refugees, the Congress government deployed police violence, thrashing and beating down to bar them from “offending Muslim sensibilities” while Hindus and Sikhs by the millions suffered unprecedented genocide and slaughter
| Satyaagrah | History
Mahatma Gandhi’s writings reveal how he found it was morally right to forgive Dyer for the heinous crimes he committed in Amritsar by killing innocent and unarmed people
| Satyaagrah | History
Bapu....Bapu..." wailed the SP party leader as his sidekick in a white kurta consoled him. Even though Ghalib Khan's tears are not apparent to ordinary eyes, he kept wiping them away as he remembered Bapu
| Satyaagrah | Viral
The episode of violence against Brahmins in Maharashtra was the first blot on the legacy of Mohandas Gandhi as an upholder of peace and non-violence
| Satyaagrah | Hindu Genocide
The author is of the conviction that the one sided narrative that has dominated the discourse surrounding him is motivated by political objectives only and does not do justice to the actual complexity of the nature of the events that transpired
| Satyaagrah | Diary
The British had dominated Bharat through a Machiavellian divide-and-rule strategy. Their exit came only after they had reduced one of the world’s wealthiest economies to one of its poorest
| Satyaagrah | History
Netaji's commitment to his nation's Independence was supreme, and the brief association with Hitler should not be inferred as his support to the Jewish pogrom
| Satyaagrah | Anti-National
The hymn had been played every year during the Beating Retreat Ceremony since 1950 but was dropped in the year 2020. However, it was reinstated in the year 2021 after its exclusion created a huge outcry
| Satyaagrah | News
It is perhaps fitting that Netaji’s death remains a mystery. For no definitive death could have done justice to the life that he lived. That of the impossible man
| Satyaagrah | Subhas Chandra Bose
Industrialist Ghanshyam Das Birla had also tried to explain to Gandhi that the consequences of transferring money to Pakistan would not be good because belligerent Pakistan will use that money to buy weapons against India. But Gandhi did not budge
| Satyaagrah | History
The politics of Gandhi is hollow and noisy. It is the most dishonest politics in the history of Indian polity. Gandhi was the man responsible for eliminating morality from politics and instead introduced commercialism in Indian politics
| Satyaagrah | Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi is a European-truly, a Russian Christian in an Indian body. And there are some Indians in European bodies! Gandhi a European. Yes. When the Europeans say that he is more Christian than many Christians they are perfectly right.
| Satyaagrah | Mahatma Gandhi
 Gandhi had never hidden his unusual experiments with women, he had disclosed the same to his close associates, many times through letters
| Satyaagrah | Diary
Quite clearly, the two chiefs of who headed the Indian army until December 1948, Sir Robert Lockhart and Sir Roy Bucher, were almost certainly in touch with their British counterparts heading the Pakistani forces.
| Satyaagrah | Diary
If the motive was set aside, said Bhagat Singh, "Jesus Christ will appear to be a man responsible for creating disturbances, breaking peace and preaching revolt and will be considered to be a dangerous personality in the language of the law. But we worship Him"
| Satyaagrah | Bhagat Singh
He then cites the Geeta and claims that it is written in the Geeta that one must fight the fight of truth, “Die, get killed, fight the fight for truth. In Geeta, Lord Krishna didn’t tell Arjun to kill his brothers for power. Krishna asked Arjun to kill his brothers for truth.”
| Satyaagrah | Politics
The flame of deep hatred against the British had, however, been ignited in his tender heart. He always remembered with bitterness the sight of disdainful and contemptuous look on the face of a British Officer, who was being paid respect by the simple hearted villagers
| Satyaagrah | Rajguru

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